The Beastmen's Leader

The beastmen remain relentless in their attacks. Even when Mizuchi appeared as a massive hulking beast, a sight they had only beheld today, they did not waver and continued their relentless assault.

While their attention is fixed on attacking Mizuchi, I am unfazed by his being targeted. His formidable defense allows him to absorb their blows like a sponge, rendering their attacks inconsequential. Furthermore, his passive health recovery, triggered every time he's struck, virtually nullifies the damage.

And besides, Mizuchi seemed to have quite the appetite today. Now that I had unleashed him, I was willing to let him indulge in as much as he desired this time.

As I watched the unstoppable force that Mizuchi had become, bulldozing through all of the enemies and their siege equipment in one powerful sweep, the beastmen started to panic.

"Go, Mizuchi! Crush them all!"