Rematch (III)

"Me? Defeated? Never!"

Despite struggling from the debuffs inflicted, King Arthur can still move. But because his self-healing ability is not working on clearing the debuffs inflicted by the Love Stack, despite healing over and over again, the debuffs remain constant, hurting King Arthur more than he is healed. He is regenerating endlessly to remove the debuffs and yet those things persist. Due to this, it made King Arthur less threatening than he should have been. He is still a big threat but not as threatening as earlier.

"This is our chance, everyone! Let's go!"

I continue firing my gun at him and although he is now blocking my attacks, due to his agility getting hampered by constant stun and sometimes the paralysis kicks in, he is sometimes not able to do so which allowed me to stack more Love Stack at him. The more Love Stack he gets, the worse his body will be.