•03~ The Master Sword

I stood there shivering. I was holding the Master Sword in my hands, with a dead body in front of me. Tears streamed down my cheeks in waterfalls. I killed a man in green. My mother's killer. And even worse, I had the Master Sword. Meaning, I was the fated hero.

The man's dead body arose. He gave me a stoic glare. I was already shaking, but the horror intensified as I watched the dead man rise. I panicked and raced past him and through the door. He continued to follow me through the castle grounds.

I ran to the forest and a silent horror dawned upon me when I realized that I was in the Lost Woods. Only the Kokiris and the special people of the royal hyrule family knew the way through the woods. Unfortunately, I wasn't one of those knowledgeable people. And legend said, anyone who wanders through the woods that does not know the way will forever remain lost.

I had to rely on luck. Or I had to advance my premonition power quite a bit in a matter of seconds. Since the latter wasn't happening, I relied on dumb luck.

Suddenly, a shot went through my mind. I recalled in my dream which way I had went through the logs. I first took a left, and then I went through the middle log.

I snapped back into reality and I realized what I had to do. A focused mindset dawned upon me and I dodged obstacles, cutting leaves when needed, and sprinting through the forest.

Although in retrospect, what I was doing was mind-blowing, the dead man kept up. He kept shouting but he followed me as I moved. A word that was begging to bring back memories.

"HYAH," he would yell, every move he made.

I proudly reached the Kokiri Village, and I had never been more proud or terrified of myself. From the point of the Kokiri Village, everyone knew that there was an easy entrance to the deku tree.

I had no idea what my prophetic logic was, going to a dead tree, but after Mom, I had learned to accept my dreams. And I had learned to follow them.

I reached the deku tree and hid behind it like in my dream. Nothing was happening. I started to panic. The dead man was coming in closer and closer and nothing was happening. I realized, I'm going to die.

I fell over, accidentally collapsing on top of the poor dead tree. And another vision shot through my mind.