New Outfit

Arriving at the tailor's association, Shiro was slightly surprised that the building was rather lacklustre. It was very simple in aesthetic design when compared to the other grandiose buildings beside it like the blacksmith's association or the alchemist's association.

Entering the building, the inside was very simple as it had little to no decorations. Just the bare minimum.

Looking around slightly, she pulled out her phone to text Aarim when she couldn't find her.

[Shiro: Aarim I'm here at the tailor's association. Where are you?]

Waiting for a moment, Shiro got her reply.

[Aarim: Ok I'll be there in just a moment. It turns out that a few unsavoury fellows wanted a taste of me, in the most sexual context. Taught those bastards a lesson.]

Shiro raised an eyebrow at this.