Martial Art Manuals

Shaking the thought from his mind, the director sighed.

"I suppose so. Since you have reached the highest grade, I'm sure you can access the manuals for mages. Though I'm not too sure if they're useful for you since they're for the…. More conventional mages I suppose." He replied. Normally, a mage would use their spells and not their physical body to complete the test but Shiro had just proved him wrong so

"That's fine." Shiro nodded since she wanted to see what the manuals for the normal mages are. After all, she is a mage in this life so it would probably be good for her to study a little on how mages operate.

"But seriously, you're a mage? Who taught you how to fight like that?" He asked curiously since mages don't usually get the training to perform like how Shiro did.