Level 101

[Class upgrade: Mystic Sylph Queen (SSS) -> True Celestial Sylph Empress (EX)]

As her body was undergoing evolution, Shiro knew that she was still conscious as the system messages filled her vision.

With no other choice but to read the upgrades while her body is being changed, she sighed internally.

With her soul being fixed and Kuromi being a part of her once more, it was as if they both fused into one. She could remember everything Kuromi went through along with her life experiences. What she wanted to do and her way of thinking.

However, that was more like reading a book. While her overall aura had become peaceful due to Kuromi's experience, her dominant side was still 'Shiro.' If anything, this could be called the real Shiro since it was a combination of Kuromi and Nytri.

[Race Upgrade: Celestial Fae]

[Race Passive Skills: Celestial Essence, Dominating Presence, Chosen of Nature.]