Problem Past The Borders

After crying for a short moment, Shiro calmed herself down and wiped away her tears. Taking a deep breath, she made her way back to the open room and saw Yin sitting down with her eyes closed.

Fire would flicker around her as her aura would fluctuate.

"What's happening?" Shiro asked curiously.

"Mn? Oh it's just that Yin's refining her flames through the crystals that Fei Ling had left behind." Nan Tian replied with a smile. Despite seeing the redness around her eyes, he did not bring it up as he knew it would be embarrassing for Shiro.

"Heh~ I see. She did mention that she did some preparations to make sure that Yin could get stronger." Shiro nodded as she started to look around for the artefact piece.

However, despite scanning the room for the artefact, she could not find anything.

"Don't search for it mum, the artefact is what empowers me. I've already gotten what I needed from this site." Yin smiled softly as she opened her eyes.