Zesli's Theory

Watching Arwen leave, Shiro decided to search up the two topics that he talked about. The first was the Norman incident 22 years ago in Britain while the other was about the scientist.

Searching up the key words of Norman Incident, 2 extracts appeared on the screen.

The Norman incident was a situation where the adventurer by the name of Norman went berserk and committed mass genocide within London. They say that the cause was a fault with his mental state after his class was reset over and over again.

Every time you reset your class to get something new, you lose all of your progress and some theorised that after a certain amount of reset, it'll strain your body to the point where your mental state is affected.

Norman was never able to reach B class because he could never complete the class up requirements. Therefore, he would try to go down a different path but it never worked.