Tracking Down The Candidates

"Is Nostic not done yet?" Saresha asked as she tapped the table impatiently. They already saw the party coming with one of their scouts, which was killed instantly, and understood that a fight will break out soon. Without Nostic around, there was no point fighting them since the chances of victory are null.

"Be patient, can't you sense his growing power? Just wait a little longer." Wyslia shook her head.

"All we've been doing is sensing his growth. Can't you tell us something else?" Quinrad asked with a glare.

"There is nothing else for me to say other than reaching tier 6 is not easy. All we can do is wait for Nostic to reach that tier and hope that he can occupy the white haired girl long enough for us to seal her away." Wyslia shook her head as she could understand why they would be anxious. Their lives are on the line after all.

"Asphil has joined their side too. I suppose the chances of having our plans leaked is rather high." Fellia sighed.