Developing The City Further

Transporting the headquarters of Winter's Grace to Asharia was an easy task. Watching the headquarters being recreated using nanobots, Yuki didn't know how to react since the headquarters took them a while to make and yet Shiro was able to do it in a few minutes.

As for moving the luggage, the spirits, elves and the sect members were more than happy to help their new neighbours.

Most of the faction members were fine with everything but the newcomers were a bit sceptical since it seemed too good to be true.

Those that wanted to leave were allowed to while those that decided to stay but had bad intentions were asked to leave. A simple scan of their expressions told the Ai pretty much everything they needed to know so filtering out the people was easy. Those that wanted to take pictures of the tech and upload it to the internet were allowed to since it wasn't like they could recreate it.