Deploying Mechs

Standing in the office overlooking the entire hanger filled with mechs, Shiro could see countless soldiers getting ready.

Right now, they were planning to launch a full on attack on a territory that had been completely taken over by a horde of high level monsters. They were all above level 450 and it was unknown if any were in the realm of tier 6.

Their numbers were much higher than the army so everyone was a bit nervous.

However, since all of the soldiers were using mechs, they'll be able to take on a few of the monsters by themselves.

"How is the prep going?" Shiro asked as she glanced back and saw Samuel about to knock on the door.

After living without her sight, Shiro decided on not using the camera as much as she could and instead using her mana senses 24/7. While it was exhausting, it was useful in terms of increasing her proficiency over her mana.