Upgrading Misu's Mount

Teleporting everyone joining this expedition to the zone, Shiro glanced back and assigned most of the mechs to guard duty.

With just Glen and Maria following them in the mechs, Shiro instructed Yin and Attie on what they should be doing.

With Shiina staying behind to protect the zone, Maria was more confused than ever. When they were capturing the zone, she didn't do much except for covering Shiina's back when she was in danger.

"Pilot Maria, you seem like you have a few concerns regarding this setup." Shiro said as her hologram floated next to Maria and sat down on her shoulder.

"Ah no- I mean no I don't your highness." Maria corrected herself as Shiro chuckled.

"No need to be so tense around me. If there is something you're concerned about then you can just tell me. No need to hide it." Shiro smiled.