Entering the Beyond

Reaching the altar, Lyrica glanced back.

"Are you sure you won't kill us after opening the gate?"

"Nope. Plus, you got her scent on you." The man shook his head while floating with his legs crossed.

"Who's scent?" Lyrica asked curiously.

"There was this white haired girl last time I tried to open a gate. However, since she teleported in front of me, I sneezed and almost killed her. I wanted to apologise but she ran away. If you're related to her, then I can just follow you and apologise at a later date." The man shrugged as he pulled out a bottle.

Immediately recognising it to be the mana potion bottle that Shiro used in Asharia, she understood that he was probably stating the truth.

"In that case then what's the place known as the Beyond?" Lyrica asked.