Demi Goddess of War and Protection

Dismissing her form, she watched as the butterflies disappeared in front of her.

Turning her attention back to her status board, she wondered what else she could combine.

'Hmm… Rebirth, Demi Goddess' Blessing, Demi Goddess' Domain, Divinity of Nanobots, March of the Goddess, Protection of the Goddess and Boon of the Demi goddess are all pretty similar except for the fact that they're designed for specific circumstances.' Shiro thought to herself.

However, there was a chance that it could become something similar to Pandora's Requiem where it has 5 skills in one.

Tapping her chin, she decided to give it a go. Plus, she remembers how she made the skill. With Skill Scholar, she'll be able to recreate it. 

Pressing all of the skills, Shiro felt something deep in her stir as the progress bar appeared.