Tatsumi: Who's that?

Mine: You don't know? You really are a country bumpkin, huh?

Sheele: Pardon me, but I don't know either.

Mine: I think you've just forgotten, Sheele.

Tatsumi: So, what kind of monster is he?

Mine: Zank the Beheader. He originally worked at the empire's greatest prison as their executioner. Because of the Prime Minister… There were many people to be executed. Day after day, again and again. He took the heads of those on their knees, pleading for their lives.

It seems that after years of this, these beheadings became a nasty habit of his.

Billy: Anyone would be mad from doing that. Anything else regarding him that I don't know?

Bulat: Zank stole the Warden's Teigu before leaving. If you want to go to fight him, you need to be careful.

Billy: Mn.

Some time later, it was decided that everyone would go, but divided in groups of 2 or 3, annoyed to be glued to Akame, Billy begrudgingly followed her in the capital.

Billy: Any idea about where he could be?

Akame: No, but we could find him in our search area down this way.

Billy nodded and followed behind her, sometimes they stopped behind some corners to avoid getting seen from imperial guards.

Time passed, and they sat somewhere, Akame was eating a snack while Billy yawned.

Billy: I'm taking a piss…

Akame: I'll follo-

Billy: Don't even try to follow me when I need to piss, I couldn't care less about Snake's orders right now, I need my privacy.

Akame: ….

Billy stood up and walked behind a corner, before taking a piss.

Billy: Haaah… Finally I have some privacy… Seriously, it's so fucking annoying being almost 24 hours within 10 meters from her…

Then he closed his zip and turned around to leave, but a sound interrupted him.


He turned around to the source of the sound, and his eyes widened as his mind went in a big mess.

Billy: ...Dad?

The man in front of Billy was exactly Bora, his father, the man smiled and nodded, then he turned around and walked away, Billy, confused, was unable to think clearly and chased after his "Father".

Some time later, Akame popped out from a corner and said.

Akame: What's taking you so long, Billy?

She received nothing in return, because Billy wasn't in the alley anymore. Her eyes slightly widened and runned in the alley.

They made some turns left and right, and when they reached an open zone, Bora stopped on his steps and turned back to Billy, who slammed onto him and hugged him.

Billy: God-fucking-dammit… I thought you were dead…

Bora?: How passionate.

This WASN'T Bora's voice, Billy looked up, and saw Bora's smiling face, before a signal interference entered in his mind.


His vision flashed red for a moment, showing a completely different man that held a weapon on his arm, and quickly slashed down at him.

And so, Billy's head flew in the air.

Billy: ...What…?

The man who had a strange helmet in his head laughed.

Zank: Hahahahaha! That was a nice face!

That voice attracted someone's attention, who rushed there.

Akame: Billy, where are yo-

When she saw Billy's corpse in the ground, with his head rolling around, her pupils shrank as she quickly dashed to the armed man that was laughing.

Her Murasame clashed with the man's blades, who kept laughing.

Zank: Hehehehe, angry because I killed your "Boyfriend"?

She raised her sword as she gritted her teeth in anger, before she threw more slashes at him, who was able to easily read her movements, slowly but surely, he was able to injure her.

Zank: What's the matter? I thought that the ill reputed Akame of the Demon Sword Murasame could do better, are you angry that I killed your comrade?

Akame realized what finally happened and backed away, then she tried her best to calm down and entered in a defensive stance.

Akame: Tch… I'll make-

Zank: "you pay…" That's what you thought, right?

Akame was surprised and said.

Akame: You can read my mind?

Zank: Certainly… Say, Akame… What do you do about the voices…?

Akame: ...Voices?

Zank: Yes… The voices that never stop. The voice that drift up from hell… The moans of those who have been murdered! The ones that bear a grudge… Constantly calling for me to join them in hell.

Zank kicked the ground and jumped at Akame, who defended herself from Zank's slashes, but due to the injuries she accumulated, she wasn't fast enough to block all of them, cuts over cuts accumulated, and her legs finally gave up.

Zank: So, how do you deal with those voic-

Akame: I don't hear anything. I've never… Heard anything. No voices, nothing.

Zank: ...What? I thought that an assassin like you would share and understand this problem, but… How sad, it seems I was mistaken!

He raised his blade, and slashed downwa-

*Click* *BANG!*

A gunshot rang out, hitting Zank on the arm that was raised.

Zank: Ugh…

?: Well, well, well… I am down for some minutes, and this happens…

Zank and Akame turned around, and saw… Billy pointing a gun at Zank while holding an hand in his coat.

Zank: ...W-What?! H-How are you still alive?!

Billy: Alive? Oh, don't worry, you killed me with that strike. It's just… If you want to really kill me, you need to behead me at least a few hundred trillion of times, and that number increases with each day for a few thousand.

Akame: Billy… You are still alive…

Billy: You just shut up, I'll deal with him.

Zank: You? ...Right, at least, do you hear the voices?

Billy: What voices?

Zank: The voices of your victims, the girl said no, maybe you are different. Can you hear the voices accumulating for each death you cause?

Billy: I don't hear "Those" voices… But you will understand if you read my mind.

Zank: Huh? What do you me-






Akame was surprised when Zank fell in the ground and rolled around while closing his ears in pain.

When he deactivated his Teigu, Zank took deep breaths as he slowly got up and looked at Billy in fear.

Zank: What… What is that thing…?

Billy: ...M̙̩̭͎͔̹̮̈́̏a͕̰̦̩̔͊͌̅͐̀ͣ͢d̦̦ͩ̏̒ͩ̈́̊ͅn̬͉̹̺̞̮ͬ̊͑͒ͮ͘e̠̝̣̱̯̞̮͊͋̉s̴͕̯̏̊s. I've already gone mad from that "thing", this is why I don't care about it anymore.

Zank: ...Hehe… I thought there was someone like me… But you are indeed worse… You are in another level compared to me…

Billy ignored him and walked towards Zank while a black Nexus Bolt came out from his hand, surprising Akame, that Nexus Bolt took the shape of a stick, before it turned into a sword.

Zank stood up and attacked Billy, however, Billy just slashed upwards.

Zank: Just because I can't read your mind, it doesn't mean I can't see your next steps! I can see every single movement of your body!!

Yet, when he tried to block Billy's sword, the latter passed through Zank's weapons and slashed through him like air.

Zank: ...Wh-

He was split in two before he could finish to talk, there wasn't even any trace of blood since the flesh seemed as if it got burned.

Billy: Fool, you shouldn't have tried to block that.

The two halves fell lifelessly in the ground. Billy made his special sword vanish before he turned around, and saw Akame weakly tackling him on his chest.

Billy: You…

She was hugging him with a trembling body, clearly, she was despaired when she saw Billy's corpse. Billy calmed down and said with a bitter smile before returning the hug.

Billy: Tch… Alright, I'll let you go this time…

Akame: I… I thought… you died…

Billy: *Sigh* I already died 5 or 6 times in my lifetime, this is the second time I died from a human, the other times it was the fault of Danger Beasts.

Akame: ...What do you mean…

Billy: Don't push your luck with the questions.

Billy laid Akame on his shoulder and summoned some minions to tell the others about the mission completed, then he picked up Zank's Teigue and opened a fissure before walking towards it.

Akame: '...Why… Why did you help me…? I thought you hated me… Why did you shoot him in the arm before he attacked me instead of doing it after he killed me…?'

Then the two of them appeared back in the hideout, where Najenda was waiting.

Najenda: I see that you turned back, how did the mission go?

Billy: He's dead.

Then he threw at her the eye-shaped Teigu, who caught it in air.

Billy: This is the Teigu, I'll go to leave Akame in her bed.

Najenda: Oh? You already forgiven her?

Billy: I am just tolerating her for the moment.