Billy wore his long black jacket and a pair of black sunglasses, he held a pair of Micro Uzi and FN Five-Seven on his two pair of pockets, a Binary Sword and a Dragon Sword, which was a carbon-made katana with the inscription of "Crush, Destroy, Kill" on the blade, were sheathed on his back in a cross shape.

He also wore a pair of gloves with armor in the back of the hand and at the external side of the fingers, in the gloves, there were two sheathed daggers. Inside his coat, he held attachments for the guns, like Laser Sight, Silencers and Scopes.

There wasn't only the attachments, but there were pieces of a TAC-50 that could be assembled in the actual gun.

Under the coat, there was an bullet-proof jacket protecting his chest and abdomen, he wore pants with a piece of armor on the knees and big black boots. And for last, like every single day for 12 years, there was his dark red broken halo on his head, that attracted the attention of a few people.

Why would he ever dress like that? Because why not? It gives that intimidatory feeling.

Soon, he reached his destination, the special police conference room.

Billy: It should be here…

He opened the door and found two people, one was a muscular man with a naked chest and wearing a gas mask. He wore long gloves and also had 3 scars on his upper chest. He was currently observing silently Billy, making him sweatdrop.

Billy: 'Talk about intimidation…'

His gaze rested on the other man, he looked around 1 or 2 years older than him, he wore a blue leather jacket and a red scarf with an anchor on it. Under that is a white shirt with a single blue line down the middle. He also wears a pair of grey jeans with a belt and dark blue boots.

The guy was looking at him with a despaired face, but it changed when Billy talked.

Billy: Hey there. I'm Billy, nice to meet you two.

?: I-I'm Wave…

Billy waited for the other to talk, but he didn't said a single word, just staring at him… Billy shrugged and walked to his chair before pulling out a deck of cards and making some magic tricks.

The door opened again, and a girl around Billy's age walked in, she had short black hair in a twintail style and black eyes. She wears a black sailor uniform and a wears a red belt that has a red side skirt cover

When Billy looked at her, he groaned.

Billy: '...Is this a curse…?'

This girl was so fucking similar to Akame… He gets rid of one and another one comes in, who is she, her sister or doppelganger?

The girl sat on her seat and took out a bag of cookies, before eating them, Wave, with an expression full of hope, got to her side and said.

Wave: Are you a Teigu user that was summoned here as well? Nice to meet you, I'm Wave…

The girl turned around, and hugged her bag of cookies.

?: You can't have any of my candy.

Wave: ...Sorry to bother you.

He turned to his seat.

Billy: 'I swear… One is after meat and the other is after sweets, and the mother? After vegetables?'


The doors were swung open, revealing Seryu and Koro who held a joyous expression.

Seryu: Pardon me! I've been reassigned from the capital defence forces. I am Seryu Ubiquitous! And this is Koro!

Koro: Kyuun!

Billy: 'And here is the one who killed Sheele…'

Suddenly, she threw up a bag full of roses and petals, and kneeled with Koro, making way for someone.

Seryu: Dr. Stylish, the preparations are finished!!

Then a man… No, it's another Fruit, goddammit… Well, if he isn't his target, everything will be alright.

Dr. Stylish: First impression are important… And would of course be important to a stylish man like myself.

Dr. Stylish was a tall man with spiky black hair with a white patch and blue eyes. He wore glasses, a yellow suit with a blue shirt, a tie, and a white lab coat.

Fortunately, the man looked at Wave and said.

Dr. Stylish: Oh dear. On first look, you're clearly a country-boy, but you're actually kind of good looking. I can make you even better looking, let's get along well, okay?

Billy turned around and saw Wave with a despaired face, he chuckled a bit, then the doors opened again, this time a normal-looking boy came out.

He was a young man with fair blond hair and golden eyes. He wore a white robe on top of a black shirt and pants with a brown belt, a feather pin behind his ear and a collar-like accessory on his neck.

?: Good afternoon. It looks like I'm the last to arrive.

Wave desperately raised his head and said.

Wave: Hey, nice to meet you, I'm Wave…

?: I'm Run. It's a pleasure to meet you.

A bolt came through Wave's head, as if he found a treasure he lost many years ago, and grasped Run's hands with joy written in his face.

The masked muscular man finally stood up and got to a nearby room, before coming back with cups of tea and said with a nervous tone.

?: Uhmm… Everyone… I've made some tea.

Then he got around to give a cup for everyone.

?: I must apologize. It is our first meeting, and yet I didn't greet anyone… I have a fear of strangers, you see… I was nervous. I most likely have the most seniority here… And yet I act like that! Let's get along as fellow Teigu using warriors. I'm Bols, from the Incineration Squad.

Wave: Haha…

Billy: Pffft…

He spit his tea when he heard what Bols said. You are nervous? I am the nervous one here! The door opened again… And this time the one entering was a masked woman with familiar light blue long hair.

Wave: Eh… Who's that?

Clearly Esdeath: I don't recognize any of you! What are you doing in this room!?

Wave: Hey now, we were called here for a special as-Oof…

Esdeath kicked him in the chest, he blocked the hit but was flung against the wall, everyone else was alerted from it.

Esdeath: Your opponents will be assassins… Always be on your guard!

Then she reached for Run, and threw kicks at him, but he dodged them by backing away. Behind Esdeath, Koro and Seryu jumped at her.

But she made a quick job of her by freezing Koro's head while she grabbed Seryu's arm and slamming her in the ground.

Seryu: Wha-Guh.

Esdeath: When attacking from behind, you give off too much killing intent!


Something hard touched the side of head while in front of her there was the Akame-lookalike swinging her sword, since she was holding back and was immobilized from Billy's gun, Esdeath let her mask break down from the girl's attack.

Billy: You wanted to gather us to make a team or did you want to finish what we started a week ago, Esdeath.

Esdeath: It was just a little game.

Bols: Gen-General Esdeath!!

Wave: ….Damn, that hurt.

Billy put back the gun on his pocket and reached for his seat.


They were dressed in a suit, with Esdeath guiding them.

Esdeath: Okay then! We'll have a party after our audience with his Majesty.

Wave: Wha… We're suddenly going to meet with the Emperor!? What a fast paced schedule for the first day!

Esdeath: I like to get the annoying things out of the way first. You would rather handle your self-introductions next time, right

Wave: Next time?

Dr. Stylish: Esdeath, before that. Should we not decide on a name for our team?

Esdeath: ...Umu! We are a unique force within the military. Organized and tasked to mercilessly hunt down and eliminate atrocious groups of enemies… Therefore, we will be the special police force known as "Jaegers".

Billy: ...I expected more.

Everyone turned towards him with a blank face, then Esdeath spoke.

Esdeath: Who is the leader?

Billy: You.

Esdeath: Who decides the name?

Billy: …*Sigh* You…

Esdeath: Good boy. Be lucky that you are on my good side or I would have taken you to the torture chamber.

Billy: 'Tsk, Marco's Dark Jokes are worse.'