Madness: FICTION


Billy was in his chair playing with Wave at some card games and Kurome was spectating while eating candies, when a dead tired Tatsumi entered in the room.

Billy: *Whistle* Did she take already your virginity?

Tatsumi: ...No… I was so nervous I couldn't sleep until dawn…

He was so tired that he couldn't even blush… Poor man.

Wave: It's still early morning and you're eating candy, Kurome?

Kurome: Mind your own business. It's preferable to eating your seafood. I wouldn't want to start smelling like a beach, like you do.

Billy: The food was good though…

Wave panicked and asked Tatsumi.

Wave: Eh!? Seriously?! Do I smell!?

Tatsumi: No, not… too much anyway…

Then Tatsumi turned around and observed Kurome, feeling a sense of deja vu. Kurome noticed his gaze and pulled back her bag of candies.

Kurome: You can't have any!

Billy knew what Tatsumi was thinking about and asked in his place.

Billy: Hey… Are you perhaps related to Akame of the Demon Sword Murasame? You two look quite identical.

Kurome: ...Yeah, she was the most accomplished member of our society, but as you know, she betrayed the empire. I wish to meet her again so badly… And then… My beloved elder sister will die by my own hand.

Billy: ...That's pretty gloomy, turn back to eat your candies. 'Tell me, God… Are you intentionally glue to me people like Akame? Did I do something wrong to be near a pain on the ass like her every single minute?'

Kurome: Yes!

The door opened and Esdeath entered in.

Esdeath: Tatsumi! For the next few days we'll be hunting. We're heading to Mt. Fake! Billy and Kurome will be coming as well. Mt. Fake is the perfect place for an ambush, so keep your eyes open for enemies while hunting!

Billy: '...Ok, you are fucking with me, if there isn't Kurome, there is Akame, if there isn't Akame, there is Kurome… What the fuck, God?' Roger…

Kurome: Roger!

Esdeath: Until evening, we'll be hunting for treeman cells. Once we get there, Kurome and I will search the east side while Billy and Tatsumi search the west side. One more thing, I didn't get to see much of Kurome yesterday. So as your captain, I need to make sure of your abilities.

Wave: Eh? Does that mean you've already confirmed mine?

Esdeath: You happened upon a good teacher. Your strength is perfect, you should be proud. Besides, Billy is better with the job due to his vast number of weapons and we can reach the place immediately. At dusk, we'll switch off. Tatsumi will be with me.

Tatsumi: Eh?!

Billy glanced at Tatsumi and smiled.

Billy: 'This will be the best opportunity to make Tatsumi escape, unfortunately Kurome is with Esdeath, or I would have killed her… Well, let's start with the medic, the classic strategy in the games.'

Billy glanced towards a wall, behind the wall, there was Dr. Stylish listening to the conversation. However, he didn't noticed that his shadow was getting thicker… And a skeletal minion came out with a military knife on his hand.

The skeletal minion grabbed Dr. Stylish's mouth with one hand, surprising him, before the minion thrusted the knife on his throat as he dragged him back to the black puddle that was covered from the man's shadow.

Billy smirked when he felt Dr. Stylish entering his puddle.

Billy: So, shall we go now?

A fissure opened in the wall and everyone except Wave entered in it, reappearing back at Mt. Fake. After going there, Esdeath and Kurome got on their own side, leaving Tatsumi and Billy alone, after some minutes passed, Billy and Tatsumi laughed.

Billy: Hahaha, this is a really big coincidence!

Tatsumi: I know right? Hahahahaha!

Billy: Hehe, alright, I will send you back to the hideout.

Tatsumi: And you?

Billy: I will be back soon, oh right.

Another fissure appeared and a skeletal minion with a pair of gloves, the minion gave them to Tatsumi, who looked at them cluelessly.

Tatsumi: This…

Billy: These are the Glorious Hands of God: Perfector, Dr. Stylish's Teigu. When you go back, report them that Dr. Stylish is dead.

Tatsumi: You… You already killed one… Amazing!

A fissure opened behind Tatsumi, unknowingly to him.

Billy: Meh, now go.

He pushed Tatsumi, who fell in the fissure.

Tatsumi: Eh…? AHHHHHhhhhh…

His voice wasn't heard anymore once he entered the fissure with the pair of gloves. Then Billy looked around and clapped once.

Billy: Alright, time to make an excuse.

He summoned a minion with a sword and extended his left arm.

Billy: Cut it.

The minion obeyed without saying a word, and Billy's left arm fell in the ground, splattering blood everywhere, Billy's eyebrows twitched and then his injury was replaced with a black substance, doing the same thing that he did at the ship.

Billy: Another slash at the chest and punch me.

The minion slashes at Billy's chest, making it deep enough to not cause any fatal damage and make it seem dangerous, then the minion let the sword go, which fell in another black fissure, and punched Billy on the face and the torso, when there were many visible bruises, he stopped.

Billy extended his right arm at the minion, and shot a Nexus Bolt at its head, the minion fluctuated for a moment, before his eyes turned similar to Billy's and a dark aura surrounded him.

A black fissure opened beside the minion and Billy ordered.

Billy: Go to kill every soldier created from Dr. Stylish, clean the place, and turn back at the hideout of the Night Raid with a pair of giant Scissors. That homo told us that he gave the Teigu to one of his soldiers….

The enchanted minion nodded, then Billy gave the minion a blade made from Nexus Bolt and it entered in the fissure, leaving Billy alone. Billy walked towards a rocky wall with slow steps and sat there, then he waited…

Soon, Dawn arrived and Esdeath and Kurome arrived.

Esdeath: Hey Tats-Billy!

Esdeath and Kurome reached Billy with a surprised expression.

Esdeath: Hey, what happened? Where's Tatsumi?!

Billy: Tsk… That son of a bitch betrayed us… He came here and took away Tatsumi, saying that he had something interesting… Then the others that were with him hindered my capabilities to teleport and beaten me… They even took my arm… Fortunately I was able to stop the bleeding with my fissures.

Esdeath: Talk! Who did take Tatsumi away?!

She was angry about Tatsumi, she cared a bit for Billy due to being friends for a bit of time, but Tatsumi was more important to her.

Billy: Sty...lish… That fucking homo… They took us in surprise… He wanted something from Tatsumi…

Kurome: Dr. Stylish…

Esdeath: That… That dead man! I will put him on my torture chambers once I find him! Kurome, take Billy back to the capital and place him in an infirmary.

Kurome: Roger!

Billy: Wait… I can still open portals, you don't need to drag me all the way there…

Billy slowly got up and a fissure appeared behind him, on the wall. Kurome placed Billy's arm on her back and entered in the fissure, reaching the Jeagers' meeting room, where Wave was playing around.

Wave: Oh, hey guy-Billy!

Wave got up and helped Kurome supporting Billy.

Wave: What happened?!

Kurome: Put him in a bed first.

Wave: Right!

Then Wave and Kurome put him in an infirmary, where the doctors immediately did their best to cure Billy.

Wave: Kurome, we need to call Dr. Stylish!

Kurome: No…

Wave: What? Why not?! Unless he is here, there's no way we ca-

Kurome: Dr. Stylish betrayed us…

Wave: ...What…?

Kurome: It was him that caused this to Billy, probably he used Extase to cut off his arm since the cut looks perfect. Let's check his laboratory for any clue.

Wave: ...Yes!

Then Wave and Kurome rushed to Dr. Stylish's laboratory.

Billy: '...Heh, I can't believe that my capability of acting for the game Mr. President would be so useful…'

Indeed, he was the God of Gambling, if he couldn't perfectly act during games then what kind of "God of Gambling" he is?