My big brother is an idol?

As I just stared blankly at the bunny right in front of me, in my peripheral vision, I took an outlook of the room... and I was surprised to see the various objects laying around; a Lego set, a spider man plushie and a Nintendo DS! Those things are old! But more importantly, on another note, why the hell are these here? If this is heaven/hell then surely you wouldn't expect a plushie to be here...unless...Satan likes plushies?

"Earth to Jaehyun, why are you just staring at your big brother like that, this is not the time to be playing around, we have school in just 30 mins and if you don't get out of bed now...I'm going to make you!" the bunny said with a creepy smile while also taking a fighting stance, scaring Jaehyun out of his wits. It seems that this bunny has prowess in martial arts...wait...a bunny with martial arts...

It was at this moment, Jaehyun realised that the thing he kept calling bunny was actually a human being just with a bunny like face...on a second thought...the face was quite recognizable.

"JEON JEONGGUK, GET YOUR BROTHER OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW AND COME DOWN TO HAVE BREAKFAST OTHERWISE I WILL BE GROUNDING BOTH OF YOU!!!" the same demonic voice from before echoed into the room, leaving two frightened and speechless kids in the room; especially Jaehyun.

Wait...his name is Jeon Jeongguk...he knows martial arts...and looks like a way...but it can't can't be...


And he's my big brother?!