School or Prison? Aren't they the same thing?

While Joshua...or should I say Jaehyun...was still coming to terms that he had been reborn/transmigrated into a new life, him and his now older brother, the one and only Jeon Jungkook of BTS, were walking towards the destination of Jaehyun's school.

Supposedly, it was his first day at school and since his parents couldn't be there because of their work, his older brother, who mind you, was also very young, came instead as their replacement seeing as how today he had a day-off school.

Not like Jungkook minded, he would love to see his extremely cute brother at his first day of school.

Before they knew it, the pair had ended up at the large school's gate with worry written all over one's face whilst drool was oozing out of the other's mouth; it seemed that Jaehyun had been fantasizing and dreaming that he was at Wembley, singing and dancing to millions of people...with other people by his side...people he did not know of. How weird...

The silence between the two was broken when Jungkook crouched down to Jaehyun's height (not like he's not small too) and looked him straight dead into the face with a concerned look saying "Jaehyun, Jungkook hyung can only accompany you all the way over here, okay?" Jungkook paused to look at the little angel's reaction which consisted only of a quick little nod and cute "okay, hyungie".

Little did Jaehyun know, that by doing this, that he had captured the hearts of all the other little school girls who began to develop heart shapes in their eyes as they stared at their "future husband"; worryingly a few adult women could also be heard huffing and puffing...that's not normal.


It definitely runs in the blood, it seems another "international playboy" has emerged from the small Jeon family; my condolences to you, ladies...but I guess, hearts were meant to be broken?

Jungkook, hearing the cute response from his little brother, became relieved and then therefore, after seeing the headteacher walk out of the building to greet the children, quickly caressed his little brother's hair and told him "Mummy and Daddy will come to pick you up after school okay?"

"Okay, hyungie, can you please come too?" Jaehyun asked with dog eyes which were extremely effective against his older brother who could only squeal inside like a little girl and promise his adorable little brother that he would come to see him after school too.

After Jungkook had left, Jaehyun was left all alone...with the eyes of female predators all lurking around him, eyeing him like some delicacy.

"Hahahaha, I'm in trouble"