Chapter 21

"Let's go"

Seeing that all of his teammates are now ready Kence decided that it was now time to temporarily leave this city

This city was too small for them, although they can be the local kings here but it would not be beneficial for their growth

Another week has passed and it is now the fifth week of the apocalypse and they decided to go to bigger cities where there are more information and knowledge that they can learn and perhaps buy things that are not available in this city

They heard a rumor about the big cities that has science researchers on them created and discovered awesome things like an Energy Serum

This Energy Serum was created from the fallen's Blood Beans. However, unlike consuming raw Blood Beans these serum does not have the side effect of the invading negative energy while the amount of energy on it was way higher than Blood Beans

Although Blood Serum was useless for them as they have the skill [Absorb] that will filter out the negative energy since things like this was produced in bigger cities then it was possible than even more amazing products was invented

"Yes, My Lord"

They all followed Kence in walking out of their Villa, they didn't even inform anyone of their departure as no one in this city can stop them. Not even the Generals

On top of a certain building a few hundreds of meters away from Kence and the others a supernatural with a bow and arrow on his hand can be seen aiming his arrow at Kence's head

"This task will make me rich overnight" the 'assassin' licked his lips thinking of how many Blood Beans he can get after finishing this task

Although humans gained power it was still not enough for them to have the ability to dodge an attack as fast as a bullet. The assassin may not have a gun but he was sure that his arrow's speed was as fast as a bullet thanks to his skill

Assassins nowadays become even more fearsome!

"[Magic Skill: Fast Arrow!]" The assassin muttered as spiraling winds formed on the tip of his arrow

He released his grip on the bow string and with the help of his skill the arrow reached the speed of a bullet

As soon as Kence walk out from the door he felt an immense danger coming to him. As he was also a former assassin his senses are good

From his peripheral vision he saw what the danger is, it was an arrow as if guided by the wind was flying towards his head in a speed that he was sure he won't be able to react

Without a choice he can only do one thing to try to preserve his life and that was by transforming his head into wood!

However he was not sure if he can survive this, the other part of his body might be okay if he transformed it into wood and it was destroyed as he can simply regenerate it but he was not sure if the same thing was applicable to his head!

The arrow pierced through his whole head and it landed on the ground

Fortunately, Kence didn't feel any pain and he survived it!

He quickly renegerated his wood head and turned it back to normal

"Who?!" Kence furiously roared

How can he not be furious? He almost died! He was sure that he didn't felt death that close before!

"Lord Kence, are you alright?" King asked worriedly, he was shock that anyone would dare assassinate a powerful Mystic like Kence. He can feel his body sweating

As a former assassin Kence calculated on his mind on where the arrow might possibly come from

After all when he is using guns to assassinate he will first calculate the distance and the best possible position

After calculating for a few seconds he looked towards a certain building and saw a man looking at him with a dumb expression on his face

The assassin can't believe what he saw, his arrow clearly pierced his target's head but his target survived as if he didn't suffer any kind of injury!

Kence's vision become red in anger. He ran towards the building and floated for a while before kicking on the building to propel him upwards and floating again when the force was spent up. He planned to use this tactic to quickly reached the top as using stairs will make it hard for him to catch up to this assassin

The assassin seeing his target closing in to him and in a fast manner at that was immediately terrified!

Although he accepted this task but he knows who his target is. As long as you are a citizen of this city you will know who this man is

This is Kence! The one hailed as someone more powerful than even the Generals combined!

Some people even call Kence the "God of War" or "War God" as no matter where he go it was sure that the fallens would be wiped out without his energy reserves draining!

He decided to immediately flee, his assassination skills has a certain chance of killing someone much more powerful than him but a frontal combat was something he is sure he does not have any chance of winning

Seeing the assassin was running away Kence increased his pace and soon he catched up to the assassin

Kence grab the man on its neck and slammed him on the ground but he was careful not to fully kill the man

Kence has a physique only a bit inferior to a mid-stage Cultivator. Cultivators has a body that will terrify normal supernaturals just imagine how much power Kence can generate just by his body alone

If not for Kence holding back, this assassin would surely die but even then a lot of the man's bone was shattered while he vomited a couple of mouthfuls of blood

"Speak! Who ordered you to assassinate me?!"

The burning eyes of Kence due to anger made the assassin's heart to beat rapidly as if what he was looking at was a devil's eyes

Even if the man wanted to speak he was too terrified to even let out a single word!

"You won't speak? Fine! Experience my torture skills!"

From Kence's hand a single Magical Leaf emerge that he used to slice the man's nipple

The man screamed as he can feel the leaf slicing his body, soon the man's nipple was fully sliced open and it fell down on the ground

It was at this time that King and the others catch up to Kence just to see the horrifying scene but they didn't tried stop their Lord's violence

Kence smiled hearing the man's scream that just fueled his teammate's fear

King and Cesar thought that due to Kence being tortured before he gained the tendency to like seeing other people suffering

Even though Kence treated them good that was because they are also treating Kence with respect but now they are witnessing their master's cruelty towards an enemy

"Next is your small treasure!" The leaf slowly sliced down from the man's nipple until it reached his crotch

Realizing what this horrifying man means the man's horror intensifies

"I'll speak! I'll speak!" If his 'little treasure' was really slice by this man then even death was not enough to escape the humiliation

"So you do know how to speak eh" Kence sneered and stopped what he was doing. He too knows that what he was doing is too much but he just can't stop feeling too much anger that clouded his mind

This assassin made him remember the cruel things that he experienced as the last 'normal human' who wanted to kill him was the men of the organization who wants to get the Life Elixer formula from him

"I-I was only told that it was the Mage General that assigned this task! Please spare me Lord!" The man quickly spilled out the things that he knew as he was afraid that this man will not spare him and his 'little treasure' but the next thing he knew was that a root struck his heart and he feel that the root was sucking his energy and life force

Soon, the assassin tranformed into a pile of ash that the wind carried away

"L-lord" King was unsure of what to do now

Kence' face darkened when he heard who wants to kill him. Although he knows that the Mage General didn't like him but still he saved his life! And to think that what he will get now is an assassination attempt. He regretted saving the Mage!

"I will deal with that bastard first before we leave"

"Understood" even King and the others was also angry, to think that the mage would want to kill someone that saved him onced, he was beyond evil!

Kence floated down on the building and when he landed on the ground he quickly run towards the Mage General's Villa

King and the others on the other hand walk down using the stairs as they don't have a floating ability like Kence. This building was an eighth floor one and jumping down on this building will kill them!

After a few minutes, Kence reached the Mage General's Villa that was surrounded by a gloomy atmosphere. Unfortunately, Kence was too angry to notice this

"BASTARD MAGE COME OUT!" Kence's shout can be heard in the Villa while the guards and army looked at his direction

At first they want to teach the person who was making trouble a lesson but seeing who it was that idea vanished

Instead all of them feel sorry for the one who angered this man

One of the Villa's guard fearfully approached Kence "L-lord p-please come down. Who was so tired of living to offend you? We will teach him a lesson"

"Make your bastard of a General come out, now!"

Everyone was unsure of what to do now. If it was before they would immediately asked their General to come out but remembering the evil aura that their General got after he woke up they dont know what to do now

"L-lord, t-there must be a misunderstanding!" The guard said hoping that it was really just a misunderstanding

Feeling that the guard was wasting his time, Kence kicked on the guard'a abdomen. The force from the kick made the guard flew and he landed on the Villa's gate

The guard vomited out blood and lose consciousness. Fortunately he was not dead

The others witnessing Kence's violence backed away from him and decided to just let him do what he wants

Kence walk inside the Villa whoke shouting "Sun! Come out now! Don't hide yourself in your shitty home!"

A few moments passed and an ominous aura spread

A man with pitch black wings can be seen descending from the sky

The man has some black lines on his face while there is a single word written on his forehead

Almost everything from the man was color black

His hair was as black as the night, his eyes as dark as the deep sea. While his lips looked like it has black lipstick and his fingers has sharp nails that is also black in color

The man was simply what one will think of what a demon will look like

The man's wings folded itself after he landed on the ground and his eyes that seems like a bottomless sea stared at Kence

Kence shivered a bit at the man's gaze, he feels like what he was looking at was not a human but a demon!

However, seeing the man's facial features his anger resurfaced. Although there are some differences because of his transformation Kence still recognized this man as the Mage General, Sun!

"What do you want?" Sun's demonic voice will sent shiver to anyone who heard this

But Kence was confident on his strenght and add to the fact that he hated this man to the bones even a bit of fear was not something that he will feel

"You sent an assassin to kill me and now I am here to kill you instead!"

Sun raised one of his eyebrows as if he didn't know what Kence is saying

"Even if I want to kill you, I will kill you myself. I won't lower myself as to send assassins"

His words intensifies Kence's anger, he already know the truth but this man was still playing dumb!

"You will make stupid decisions but you won't admit it. How good of you!"

From behind Kence his Tree body emerge, he didn't know how but this Sun actually managed to reach the peak stage of Rank 1 too and he was not stupid to underestimate Sun

"I don't care what you think but if you want to die, I will grant you death!"

In front of Sun his grimoire emerge but unlike its previous fire red color his grimoire now is also a pitch black on color

Kence was shock as he didn't know that someone can change a grimoire's color, he felt that Sun's transformation is not that simple

A light breeze blew towards them, it also blew away for a second Sun's hair that was on his forehead

Kence saw the word on Sun's forehead that made him confuse

'Envy' that was the word that was on the Mage's forehead