Chapter 32

Sun waved his black lance and launched himself towards the fallen

A ball of gray energy shot out from the fallen's hand, Sun used his lance to slash the enemy's attack

The gray ball exploded but its impact was too weak in front of the black lance

Sun continued running towards the fallen, he thrust his lance towards it

The fallen's arm was once again covered with gray energy and he used to grab the lance

However, this was a mistake. Although fallens does not feel any pain but when it touches the lance he let out a painful groan causing him to immediately let go of the lance

Some flames was left on the fallen's arm which it tried its best to remove using the gray energy but he was having a hard time doing it

What's fortunate is that Sun's enemy was a fallen! If it was an intelligent being when one grab the lance it will automatically attack one's mind. Causing the emotion of envy to be stimulated, making it harder to focus on the battle

"[Hell Flame Magic: Hell Flame Shower!]" Sun pointed his lance in the sky and hundreds of black flame sparks were made

All the flames descended on the fallen's body, its effect was quite minimal but it continued on burning the fallen's body slowly

The fallen ignored the flames burning his body, gray aura surrounded it. This aura gave a boost to its physical prowess

With a speed faster than before it threw a punch towards Sun

Although the fallen's strength and speed was boosted, Sun was not afraid even just a bit

The Lance of Envy gave him a powerful weapon and boosted his own power, he poured more of envy energy on the lance

"[Hell Flame Magic: Flame Charge!]"

Suddenly black flames covered Sun's foot. With a speed even faster than the Fallen he used his lance to pierced the fallen's head

The fallen's face still has that bestial anger on his face as if he didn't even had the time to react when the lance killed him

The Lance of Envy dissipated and the fallen's body started falling down but Sun grab the corpse

Before, when Sun was just using his Hell Flame Magic he was more or less as powerful as his enemy however after using the Lance of Envy the battle ended quickly!

Even Mystics with the same Cultivation base as him cannot perform the feat he just did!

It clearly demonstrated how superior he is with people that was in the same rank as him!

Sun flapped his wings and flew while carrying the fallen's corpse

He passed by towards the old scientist and grabbed him

Although flying while carrying two bodies was possible to do for Sun, it used up quite a bit of energy and he needs to exit this fallen city before he drained all of his energy


In a road a few kilometers aways from forest that was turned upside down by the army of ants five Mystics can be seen fighting against fallens

This was the road that was connected to one of the big cities that survived the apocalypse

These big cities were the strongest stronghold of humanity, a lot of Supernaturals, Mystics and smart researchers were gathered on it!

The normal Supernaturals and Mystics was responsible for the city's protection while the researchers were responsible for inventing things came from researching all sorts of mutation that happened to fallens, mutated animals and even humans who gained power!

In a city the most important people were the Supernaturals and Mystics but researchers held a special importance! These researchers might be weak but their brilliant minds can boost humanity's power!

"[Innate Skill: Absorb!]" All the five Mystics only used one skill, they furiously absorbed all the fallen coming to them

Because of the previous fight they fought and the effect of seeing the army of ants the sense of crisis once again resurfaced and motivated them to become more powerful!

At this time four light green light shone brightly on the road

Kence's eyes seing this lit up, his team of Mystics now are advancing to the next level!

Four figures greedily absorbed the energy particles in the surrounding

"[Innate Skill: Leaf Storm!]" A thousand leaves glowing with light appeared out of thin air, all the leaves attacked at the same time and pierced all the fallen's head nearby

After all this was a critical moment for King and the others, this was them advancing to the Knight Rank!

Their strength would be greatly boosted if all of them are now in the same Rank

Kence also let out his tree body, originally he was planning to hide this as his trump card in case a strong enemy appeared but his team's advancement aroused his desire to reach the mid-stage!

He was their leader after all, he wants to have a Cultivation Base that is ahead from them, in this way for him he would really become a suitable leader for them

Kence's arm roots with multiple sharp end on it absorbed all the fallen's body, even on his tree body more than ten roots emerged from the ground and suck all the energy from the fallens

When the four finished advancing their mood turned joyful and they gained a bit of confidence

Thus, the five of them become the nightmare for the fallens on the road. Even an early-stage Knight Rank fallen were overpowered by their team


Nighttime arrived, the five Mystics decided to leave the main road first and rest in one of the house in the abandoned village not far from the road

"Sadly we don't have anything to eat here" King sighed sadly, probably the villagers took away all the foods when they abandoned this village

Although they don't necessarily need to eat but as humans who were used in eating at least three meals a day they find it uncomfortable not eating at all

Kence threw an apple looking fruit to them. With their reflexes they all caught the fruits on their hand

"I made that using my skill but that's just a normal fruit" Kence took another fruit and bit on it

Aside from fruits that has different mystical effects he can also make normal fruits to be eaten

All of them looked at the fruit with great interest and started eating it

"It's delicious!" Calter exclaimed while the rest nodded in approval

The fruit tastes sweet but also has similar taste to normal apples

Kence chuckled and threw another fruit towards Calter which the kid happily caught

When Kence finished eating he stood up and said "I'm going to cultivate. The others can also cultivate but let at least one person to be a night guard"

Kence then walk towards one of the rooms and started absorbing energy from the surrounding

"I can be the guard for tonight!" Ivy offered, she wants to have some use in this group

After all she was now in the Knight Rank only because of her team's kindness. Without them not to mention reaching Knight Rank she might not even survived when the men from before wanted to rape and kill her

"It's okay Ivy, I can take guard tonight. You should rest" Cesar declined her, how can he let a young girl guard them for a night?

Calter was the one that puts the greatest effort in cultivating among them while King was also always determined to become stronger to protect all of them. That is why from him he was the best candidate for being the night guard

"No, it's okay. I want to be the guard for tonight please"

Seeing the determined look on her face that says 'I will not backdown on this matter' the others can only reluctantly let a young girl guard them

All of them aside from Cesar and Ivy sat in a meditating posture and started absorbing the energy from their surrounding

King and Calter wants to raise their Cultivation base while Cesar wanted to make a new Rune and naturally Ivy will be the guard tonight

Cesar bit his thumb and used his own blood to draw Runes in the air

Cesar imagined the effect of the Rune that he draw and poured his energy on it. If he can activate this Rune then this Rune symbol would enter his 'sea of consciousness' which they decided to name it and after that he will have a new Rune Skill!

This was the Rune Master's way of gaining a new Rune Skill. With enough imagination and energy they can make the Rune Skill they want, although the process of it was still a bit vague to them. It's like they sense something that they must understood for even just a bit and when they comprehended even the smallest bit of it they will be able to activate the Rune!

After a few hours of absorbing energy, Kence just let the tree body inside him to Cultivate on its own

He walked out on the room and saw all the four Mystics busy on their own task

"I will just be outside for a bit" Kence said to Ivy in a small voice, he didn't want to distract anyone

Ivy nodded and Kence smiled at her. He threw another of the apple like fruit to Ivy

"A small reward for you" Ivy smiled and said thank you feeling a bit touch

Her team was really too kind to her

Kence walked about a hundred meters away from the house where his teammates are

He wants to develop a new skill, a new powerful skill

After all, aside from one's Cultivation base one needs to also have the corresponding skill to fully demonstrate one's power!

Kence closed his eyes and started feeling the energy inside him and the surrounding. He started pondering on all the things that he has that he can use to develop a new skill

He have his leaves, roots, wood and fruits. Now how to make a strong attack from these things?

Kence was in a deep thought for quite some time. He tried to remember the skills that he read or watch from animes, movies, mangas or novels

Just what he can do to become stronger?

Increased the quality of his leaves? Nah, he was already on the intermediate mastery of Magical Leaf Manipulation. Advancing it to the complete mastery was too hard for the current him. Although he has some idea how to achieved the complete mastery's effect of draining the life force of the enemy it was still too hard to achieve and master

Make his roots become stronger? Nah, it was too redundant. It will just increase the power of his root attacks but won't necessarily make a new much more powerful skill

Make a wood armor? It will increase his defense but won't give him a powerful skill

Make a new fruits that has attack power? That was something that is also too hard for the current him. Although he can make another kind of fruits but unlike the basic ones who were easy to make the others are much harder

Combine the four? That is something even more hard

Wait, I am thinking too much about this. At my current level I can't make a super complex and powerful skills as long it will have even a bit of greater power that is enough

Kence started pondering more deeply, this time he lowered his standards and decided to make a simpler skills

After all what he wants to make before was a flashy overpowered skills like maybe making a giant cyclone of leaves that will destroy anything it passed by but now he lowered it into something realistic

Kence closed his eyes and imagined an arm armor made from wood covering his arm. He made sure to add quite a lot of energy on it too boost his arms' power

Although this was quite powerful it was not enough, Kence thought

From each of his palm a block of wood came out, Kence controlled the energy inside the wood and made it into sword shape wood. Kence covered the sword with a thin shape energy cover, this was the densest energy cover he can control for now. After all just pouring a large amount of energy will make its power disperse but if you condense it as much as you can even a one centimer attack of energy was 'theoretically' enough to demolish an entire city

However, Kence still felt that this skill was quite lacking and too normal

He think for a bit and decided to also make a wood armor on his feet to boost his movement speed

With his will and energy a foot armor made from wood covered his foot

A few tens of leaves formed and danced around the sword's blade. Although it was quite lame and childish, for Kence before the enemy were to hit with the sword they will first sustain energy from the leaves. Also, if the sword barely missed the target then he can control the leaves to attack and leave the sword, giving him a sure landing attack

The leaves on the swords are only few compared to his other leaf skills this made it so that he will have enough 'mind power' to control the leaves and pour more energy on it After all when he was controlling hundreds or thousand of leaves he needed to control manually the energy he infused with the leaves if not the energy will went berserk and destroy the leaves

"[Innate Skill: Nature's Battle Armor]" this was the name he decided to call this skill. Although the name was not quite fitting as the armor only covered his arms and feet but that is because those two are the only things he can cover for now as this skill expend a huge chunk of his energy