Chapter 38

On the small village where Kence and the others are Calter can be seen cultivating

His eyes are close while the energy particles present in the surrounding was being absorbed by his body. The absorption's speed was so fast that it will leave any supernaturals in shame

Even Kence cannot believe how Calter can easily absorb energy as if he was just drinking water. Even though his Cultivation Base was one small realm higher than Calter he can only admit that Calter's Cultivation speed was a few times faster than his own

Calter felt so comfortable being bath by this abundant amount of energy, it filled every inch of his body

Suddenly, Calter felt that familiar barrier that separated someone to the next realm

He increased his absorption pace and used the energy he gathered to destroy the barrier

As the energy was too abundant and cooperative to him he managed to destroy that barrier in just a few minutes easily

As if the energy particles on the air were stimulated they all rushed towards the kid's body

Calter glowed with intense light and the energy he absorbed immediately turned light green in color, just like the energy present on his body

Kence and the others were shock when they sense the rapid rise of Calter's aura and the scene of him breaking through a small realm gave them even more shock

"H-how can this be?" Kence cannot believe what he is seeing, it took him a lot of effort to absorb energy from the surrounding and the creatures he absorbed before to become a mid-stage Knight!

Calter just broke through a few days ago and now he suddenly broke through again just based on his own effort

The intense light around Calter's body subsided and he opened his eyes to see four sets of eyes staring at him with shock

"W-what's wrong?" The kid asked fearfully, afraid that he did something wrong

"H-how did you broke through that fast?" Cesar asked the thing that all of them wanted to know

Caler scratched the back of his head "I don't know"

Although all of them felt some sense of jealousy but nonetheless they are all happy for Calter and in fact Calter being stronger will only give them benefits and no harm

"You are really so talented" Kence sighed

"Of course, he is my son!" King answered proudly

Ivy pouted and looked at Calter with envy "even a boy younger than me is this talented. I am with a group of freaks!" She thought a bit dissatisfied at her own talent

"It seems like I need to work harder!" This is what the four of them has on their own minds thus a day only spent on Cultivation started again

Kence walked out from the house and looked for an open space, lately he felt that he was neglecting his tree body and its effect on the battle field was quite minimal. Well, this was due to the fact that his tree body cannot walk on its own

From his Spirit Clone his original body emerged and landed on the ground

The tree was full of of fruits with different colors mostly blue while the rest are red and yellow while the least was the green fruits or the "Life Fruits" which was only a bit more than five

Since Kence didn't know what danger they will face everyday he spent some of his energy everyday to make these fruits in case of emergency, who knows he might even be able to sell it for a high price when they reached the big city

Kence floated and watched looked at his green carnivorous flower who was munching on a blue fruits

Seeing this Kence felt helpless, every day this damn flower will always eat some of the fruits he made. He already lost count on how many blue fruits this flower ate the fruits also caused the energy inside the flower's body to rise rapidly

The flower as if sensing its master, its 'flower head' turned and 'looked' towards the direction of Kence

Kence floated towards it and spread his arm, the flower immediately climb and wrapped itself on his arm. He played with the flower's petal and it looks like the flower enjoyed it

He still didn't know what this flower can do but who knows when it ate enough energy fruits it might give him a surprise in the future

Kence floated down and went to grab one fish that he caught on the lake nearby

The flower immediately opened its 'mouth' where two rows of teeth can be seen, Kence feed the fish to the flower who was immediately satisfied by the meal and rub its flower head on his arm

Kence walk back to his tree body and laid the flower back to the tree for it to rest while he will try to think of how he can make use of his original body

The flower wrapped itself on one of the tree's branches

After thinking for a few minutes Kence still can't think of something that will enable his tree body to to fight more effectively and he just stared at it dumbly

Kence once again turned his attention towards the carnivorous flower "hey freeloader, can you do something useful?"

As if the flower understood him on its stem body a few inches stem grew that sticks out on the main stem body. The small stem flew out and stick to another branch from the tree body

Kence felt that the stem was like a parasite that absorb the energy from his tree body and it grew on a speed visible to the naked eye

The stem grew a few more inches while a small bud formed on the top of it, more energy were absorbed by the stem and it gathered around the small flower bud

The bud slowly matured until it become a full fledge flower that looks the same as the original carnivorous flower albeit its aura was weaker than it

Kence was taken aback at how things turned, he looked at the newly made carnivorous flower and imagined the scene of him controlling thousands of these flowers in the future

If that were to happen who will he be afraid of?

Unfortunately, his dream shattered when he felt how much energy was absorbed by the stem to grow into a flower. Even the original flower's aura decrease as it became exhausted

It seems like it was not easy for it to make a stem that will grow into a carnivorous flower

Nonetheless, this was still a big discovery with him. With enough time he was sure that he would be able to have his own flower army

Kence floated towards the new flower and touched it, the flower just stay stilled and didn't have any reaction. Just like the original flower he felt some kind of connection to this flower but it was a few levels weaker

He tried to give it some order to bite a leaf from his tree body and it immediately obeyed. Although it obeyed it seems like this flower's intelligence was nonexistent and will only do what was ordered to it unlike the original flower that has some intelligence

"I'll name you Flower Flora" Kence decided to give it a name as simply calling it "carnivorous flower" doesn't quite fit as he will have more flowers like this in the future but Flora was different from the others as it has some intelligence

Kence let his tree body to absorb energy to replenish what it lost

He closed his eyes and sensed the abundant energy from the surroundings, he turned his focus on these energy and used his mind to will it to get inside his body

Kence wanted to find out how he can make his Cultivation more efficient, seeing how the energy interact with Calter made him thought that maybe the energy will also 'like' him and will improve his cultivation speed


On a villa not far away from the under construction "Royal Palace" inside the master's bedroom was the 'Emperor' who was currently pinning down a beautiful woman and pounding inside her without mercy

Cries and moans can be heard inside the room, the woman who was currently being violated was begging for mercy while tears are continuously flowing down from her eyes and pain visible on her expression

On the woman's genital blood leaked down to her white legs. Contrary to what the unfortunate woman was feeling the man ravaging her body was turned on by her pitiful look

The feeling of abusing a beautiful woman begging for mercy made his mind be clouded with lust as his pounding speed increased

Even the blood on the woman turned him on

'If not for this apocalypse how can I do this to a woman this beautiful?' The man thought

"Virgins are really so tight!!" The man grabbed the woman's neck and started doing her more intensely

Suddenly, a knock from the door was heard

"Enter!" The 'Emperor' shouted and the door was opened by an old man with lots of white hair on his hair wearing a butler suit

"Your Majesty, the guest arrived" the old man said respectfully while bowing his head and turned a blind eye to the pitiful woman under the man's body as if these scenario was something normal

Well, for him this was normal as he already saw this scene many times already. At first he started feeling some pity but as time goes on he become indifferent and treated this scenario like nothing. Even if he pitied those girls but what can he do?

"Make them wait. Get out know!" The man simply stated not bothering at the old man at all and still continuing his indecent act

The old man bowed his head again and exited the bedroom

The 'Emperor' continued and only stopped when he was satisfied. He left the almost dying woman and cleaned himself before grabbing another 'Imperial Robe' and wearing it

He left the bedroom and walked around the big villa and entered a different room

Inside the room he saw a group of ten people who either has some muscular body, inhuman features or holding a book but there are also some who looks normal

These ten people are not some cabbages, they are all Mystics! Even those that look normal are Rune Masters!

The 'leader' of the group who was a Mage scoffed at the 'Emperor' "you want to cooperate with us yet make us wait this long?" He said unsatisfied

If it was other people they would surely not dare said those words and act humbly. Unfortunately, they are not aware of the things happening here inside the city

"My apologies, I needed to handle some emergency issues"

The 'Emperor' said with a friendly smile and clapped his hands

Three attendants entered the room pushing a big cart of food

"Please treat these foods as my token of apology"

The foods are not your normal food, they all came from mutated animals. Any food made from using a mutated animal's body although lose a lot of energy but still eating it will provide a small boost of power

The ten Mystics who sensed the amount of energy inside these foods salivated. Normal foods cannot attract their attention but foods that will provide boost on their power is something they will never refuse

The all sat down in front of a long table and started eating the foods

What they didn't know is that the attendants threw them a pitying look while the 'Emperor' looked at them disdainfully as if they are some idiotic beings that fell on his trap

And that is actually the case, what they didn't sense is that inside those foods contained purple energies that were hiding

When they ate the foods the energy entered their body like a silent thief. They didn't even noticed that they were poisoned even when they already finished all the food

The ten of them wiped their lips and the leader spoke again "thank you for the meal. I think its time to talk about the details of our cooperation"

The Emperor smirked evilly and looked at them disdainfully as if he was looking at ten clowns which made the ten angry as they were being look down