Chapter 45

Kence entered a wide room with seats covered with extravagant designs

"Please have a seat" the Mystic ask Kence nicely although he was sneering inside

The Mystic was excited to see the despair from Kence's face when he fell into the Emperor's grasp

Kence felt that the seats were disgusting, it was full of many unnecessary things but nonetheless still complied and took a seat

"The Emperor would arrive shortly, please wait for here first" the Mystic continued before excusing his self and exiting the room

Kence look for any possible way to escape if things go wrong. His vision landed on the window that was big enough to fit a single man

Most people wouldn't even consider the window as an escape route because of the heights, he was after all not in the first floor

Few minutes pass and a middle-age man adorned with a dragon robe entered the room. The first impression that Kence got from the man was 'disgust'

Jutst a look and he was already sure that this man was the so called Emperor. Even just his clothes and accessories were as if screaming "I am the Emperor"

The man wore an hypocrite smile on his face, although he look friendly but Kence won't be fooled by his facade

Sensing the aura of the Emperor who didn't even bother to hide it Kence once again put up his guard. This man has the same cultivation base as him

Kence sigh on his mind, even with his cheat like ability of absorbing energy from other living creatures this Emperor was actually on par with him

It seems like the resources he got from the city was too abundant

"May I have the pleasure to know your name?" Still wearing that hypocritical smile the Emperor asked 'kindly' as if he wants to break the ice between them

"Kence" the other man on the other hand simply answered and was not affected by his 'friendly attitude'

The Emperor as if didn't take any offense still has that disgusting smile on his face but the slight tremble of his body when Kence gave him an attitude was enough to know that he was angered

"It's a pleasure to know you Mr. Kence"

The Emperor clapped his hands and three servants entered the room

One of the servant was pushing a cart full of all sorts of food while the other two took the food and place it on top of the table

"Please have a meal first as a token of appreciation for accepting my invitation"

The Emperor sat on the opposite side of Kence

"Isn't it normal to say your name if you ask someone for theirs?" Kence also wore a hypocritical smile on his face as if he really want to have a good conversation with the other man

"My apologies, you are actually right" the Emperor lightly chuckled

"My name is Harold, the Emperor of this city"

Kence nodded and look at the variety of foods on the table. The foods clearly came from from mutated animals and was still containing some energy on it. Anyone who eat these food would have a small boost on their power

"It seems like the Emperor really welcomed me on his Empire" Kence said before chuckling sarcastically. This made the Emperor even more angry although in the surface he only laugh lightly at that

"Of course, you are very welcome here"

Kence took a knife and fork to cut a piece of meat

The Emperor also started eating as to show that the food are clean and 'not poisoned' while he was secretly watching Kence's actions

The piece of meat was already in front of his mouth but Kence suddenly stop. The Emperor gritted his teeth, he very much wanted to poison this Kence and put him on his proper place but it was like the man was purposely teasing him

"Although the food look delicious, unfortunately it wasn't clean" Kence sadly sigh before putting down the fork and placing it back on his plate

Harold knitted his eyebrow 'could it be he sense the poison? But that's almost impossible. I put extra effort to make the poison more lethal while making it harder to notice'

"What does Mr. Kence meant by that? Are my servants didn't prepare well the foods?" Putting on a confuse act Harold look down at the foods on the table as if he was searching for any possibility dirt that was in the food

"What I mean is..." on Kence's foot the wooden armor silently appeared without Harold noticing anything

".... they are poisoned"


Kence broke all the pretense and immediately launch himself towards Harold. He once again thank the Angel that sold the Mind Crystal, if not for that crystal he won't have his current senses and might not be able to sense the poisonous energy inside the food

Still, Kence think that this Harold was a clever man. He actually use foods that already contained energy inside to hide the poisonous energy from one's senses

Fortunately, he was not a normal Mystic as he trained his energy control

Harold would have never thought that Kence will discover his poison and even take the initiative to attack him first. He was not ready at all

Without a choice he can only damage his body to defend

Around his body purple poisonous fog were made in just an instant. He forcefully controlled his energy to activate his [Innate Skill: Poisonous Fog] this made him cough out some blood from forceful activation

Seeing the purple fog Kence didn't have a choice but to stop his attack to move from the poison's range. He still doesn't know if his clone made from his soul was resistant or immune to poison so he cant rist it. He was still in the enemy's lair

"Imperial Guards!!" The Emperor shouted angrily and immediately a team of ten Mystics entered the room

Seeing some blood were leaking out from the Emperor's mouth although they were delighted but they were also shock. They know how much the Emperor love his life and will always do everything he can to not be in any harm

But now he was clearly injured, although it doesn't seem too serious but still an injiry is an injury

"Tch" looking at ten Mystics Kence felt that this Emperor was really extravagant. Aside from him who can have the luxury of having ten Mystics as their bodyguards?

"[Innate Skill: Sleep Pollen!]" One of the Bloodline Holders waved her hand and small yellow pollens were instantly generated and shot towards Kence

"[Innate Skill: Leaf Storm!]" Kence also waved his hand and more than a thousand leaves appeared on the small room. The leaves destroyed the yellow pollens while also obstructing everyone's vision

Although Kence wants to test the limits of his power but he don't dare risk checking it now in the enemy's base. He was sure that not just these ten Mytics are the people who will try to stop him

He sprinted towards the window intending to escape, too bad the Emperor was close to him and despite the obstruction of the leaves he still saw him

"Quickly stop him! He's escaping through the window!"

The Emperor ordered while he himself threw a ball of purple fog "[Innate Skill: Poison Ball!]"

Unfortunately he was too late, his attack was worn down buy the leaves around them and was not even able to get close to Kence

Kence kicked the window and jumped from it. He quickly use his floating ability while generating leaves on his feet to move him

This was actually one of Kence's trumpcard. Only those Bloodline Holders who have wings can fly. Even a Mage can only float in the air, far too far from actual flying. While there was still no Rune Master that managed to make a flying rune. There was even no point in mentioning the Cultivators who only strengthened their own body

There were even less Supernaturals that can fly, even if there is Kence was confident that he can beat them easily

One of the Mage with almost transluscent light green grimoire activated his magic

"[Wind Magic: Wind Barrier!!]" The mage didn't use the spell on himself but instead use it towards Kence

This was naturally not to protect Kence from any harm but the barrier made from wind increased the air resistance thus slowing  down Kence's speed

Kence look back at the mage angrily "bastard!"

He once again waved his hand and a circle around him a wave of leaves were formed that went in all direction thus successfully destroying the wind barrier

As soon as Kence destroyed it he increased his speed to get away from the city as far as possible. The mage's tactic actually destroyed his self confidence

He thought that no Supernatural would have a way to stop him from flying except those who have wings but the wind mage's brilliant tactic poured a cold water on his head

His arrogance actually made him forget that this is the apocalypse, all sorts of power emerge and if use correctly will have an effect that you didn't even know that it has

Fortunately for him the wind mage was only in the early stage of Knight Rank, if not then he would surely have a hard time escaping from them

Although the encounter was quite short but Kence was actually in a high risk area and one wrong move can lead him to his death

The people look upwards when they noticed that some sort of a humanoid creature was flying in the air

Too bad that Kence was too high in the sky for them to see clearly

The Emperor punch a Cultivator on its face to vent his anger

"Useless!! All of you are useless!" He rage in anger and punch the Cultivator again on his face

"You actually let that Mystic escape!!" Harold snapped his finger and immediately purple patches appeared on the ten's body while all of them rolled in the ground because of the pain

He kick the unfortunate cultivator and he panted because of anger. At the same time he was starting to worry about his future, for him it feels like he lot go of some snake that will someday come back to bite him

Kence was after all a Mystic with the same Cultivation Base as him even though he has a whole city's worth of resources. Kence's talent can only be describe as 'extremely terrifying'

If someday Kence become strong enough to kill him with the presence of his guards, Harold can't stop himself from taking a deep breath at that thought. That scenario was not an impossible thing

Even he can kill hundreds of normal humans easily who can say that a Supernatural won't gain a power to destroy an entire city?

Thus he started venting his anger again at the ten Mystics who he deemed as 'useless'

Kence stopped a kilometer away from the city and immediately ate one of his blue fruits to replenish his energy. Although he can somehow fly by using his leaves and floating ability but the energy expenditure was high even for him

After all he needed to control the few hundreds of leaves on his feet to move him while constantly pouring more energy on it. It was not just energy consuming but is also taxing on his mind who was manually controlling all those leaves

He decided to rest for a while first before getting back to King and the others. He was in the opposite direction of where his team are. He was afraid that someone will follow him and he don't want to risk the three's lives

He can somehow flee from a group of Mystics because he can fly but the other doesn't have the same ability and if they want to survive they can only fight their enemies directly

Kence look at the direction of the city, he vowed to have his revenge and kill that Emperor wannabe and that hateful mage who endangered his life