Chapter 65

After a day of learning Kence learned the general idea of the path that the Angel gave to him. He admit that this path was a good one. This path was also acclined to his goal

It just doesn't make one stronger on their own but will also give them allies! Although absolute power will crush any numbers but he doesn't believe that he was so heaven defying that he can gain that kind of power

His path was not just his own but also for his family!

Kence closed his eyes and turned all of his focus on the roots of his tree body. The roots released his light green energy bathing the soil with his own energy. It was as if the soil experienced a rain after a draught and its quality improved. The soil gained more vitality as if someone put a fertilizer on it

When all the energy on his tree body was fully used up just like what happened to Flora he gained a sense of faint connection on the soil. His senses spread on the ground and he had an illusion that any thing that will happen within that area won't be able to escape his sense

It was like the area around his roots became his territory which was what actually happened! Although the area was still too small for now but in the future it would surely expand! Kence don't plan on turning his focus on making the whole forest his territory as with his current level that would take too much time

The information said that it would be easier and time wise if he start doing this after he became a Rank 4 Supernatural. He just really became curious and tried it

After checking its authenticity Kence then focus his attention on his sea of consciousness, particularly on his soul. Without Supernaturals knowing every time they use their energy or activate their skills the corresponding Soul Power was used

One use the power of their soul to control the energy on their body but for those powerful and skilled enough the soul has many more mystical use. This was what Kence will turn his focus on now, to increase his grasp on his soul.

To maximize time Kence practiced on the Soul from his Spirit Clone while letting the tree body as usual to cultivate. This time however, all the energy that the tree absorbed were given to the Spirit Clone

As the Spirit Clone was the body he was always using to fight he can't let its cultivation to stagnate

Kence imagined that there were fog like thing coming from his Soul. Training soul sounds easier to say than to do, more than an hour passed but Kence can only barely control his Soul

Around his Soul a few clouds of very thin fog was coming out but as soon as it formed they immediately vanished. Those fog was Kence's Soul Power, when controlling energies it didn't need to be in a gaseous physical form but to do the other things that the Soul can it must have a physical form

Kence devoted all of his time in increasing his Soul control skills, although it didn't directly increased his strength but it will make a good foundation for his future cultivation


The four were also the same as Kence, applying in reality the things they digested

Cesar now finally learned just how Runes work. His focus was also on his soul. To make Runes its physical appearance was not important, what matters the most is the will imbued on it. This will also came from the Soul

Rune Master draw Runes as a catalyst and imbued it with their will power. The wills made the law of the world to give effect on the Runes their drawn. Although this sounds like a high tier thing as it involved the Laws of the World itself but things are not that easy. The stronger the will and more energy you put into the Rune, the stronger it will become. However, whether it be his Will Power or Energy it was too lacking to really control the laws of the world itself

To put it simply Cesar will pay using his will power and energy to the world. The world will accept this payment and will give the effects and power to their Runes depending on how strong the will power and energy is

This was like the law of equivalent exchange, in order to gain something you must give first a thing with equal value. Cesar doesn't know why the world will accept his will power and energy but that doesn't concern him for now. All he care now was to make his Soul Stronger

Too bad, if maybe he delved deeper and try thinking why the world will accept his will power and energy he might realized something

The process of making the soul stronger was easier than controlling it, Cesar only need to feed it with energy. This was the simplest and most basic way to do it. Naturally, there are things that can make the soul stronger but he doesn't have access to any of those

Just like the two Ivy was also focusing on her Soul. She was just like Kence that was training on her Soul Control. As she is the one with the least experience and liking to fighting she can't help but think the path given to her was suitable for her

With the Rainbowshade Flower, a supreme treasure in a planet she can become a great Potion Master! The flower has great control over poisons while a herb or plant's impurities can also be considered as 'poison'

Potion Masters need to extract and remove the impurities on the ingredients that they are using to increase potency of their potion. Those impurities if not removed will build up on one's body and in the long term will cause bad effects. You can even die by having too much impurities on your body

Fortunately, there are potion recipes on the archive of information that the Angel gave to her. She only need to reached the most basic and important requirements to become a Potion Master and that was letting her Soul Power take physical form and release it outside of her body

King on the other hand was not too focus on his Soul but rather on his [Leaf Manipulation] and [Photosynthesis]. The Angel gave her a path he can take to last longer in a fight

Just what will cause someone to be unable to fight aside from any kind of injuries? That was the lack of energy! As long as you have any energy and you can control your body you can still fight!

Based from the information he can grow leaves on his body or for better effects make tree branch filled with leaves and let his ability to do [Photosynthesis] to passively continuously absorb energy from the surrounding

Although the rate of absorption was not as high as the energy expenditure but it will at least replenish a chunk of his energy while in a fight

King suddenly though of Calter's appearance when he transformed using his Angelic Magic. His son's hair turned to look like a leaf, is it possible to do the same? King imagined the process of making leaves but instead of making one outside or around his body he willed it to grow on his hair

He thought that it will be easy but he only managed to turn one of his hair into a leaf when he felt a sense of exhaustion as this used up a huge chunk of his energy reserves. It looks like permanently altering a part of one's body required a lot of energy. Also, he can only do this as he has the Bloodline of a Soul Tree. If not then this kind of thing was impossible

King sensed that the single leaf on his hair was slowly absorbing the nature type energy from his surrounding, although it was just one hair and the effect was quite negligible but it still filled him with satisfaction. With enough leaves the effect will be a huge boost to his fighting power

As for Calter, he was feeding his seedling shape soul with his Angelic Energy 'diligence' too bad he doesn't have much of those energy as just like the 'envy' energy it only came from other people

His only source of this type of energy was himself and his family which cause its progress on it to not be that fast. Thankfully, the energy particles in the surrounding favored him more than Sven. He can even borrow and wield the power of the heavens itself

From the information that the Angel gave him only when he reached the fourth Rank will his progress in Angelic Magic will become fast that it will leave his nature energy in dust

He still doesn't know why and what will happen when he became a Rank 4 Supernatural. The confusing thing is that the information also said that instead of rushing to Rank 4 it was better to increase his strength as reaching that Rank was even harder than reaching the third rank

The first to third level of Supernatural was just absorbing energy, the only thing that matters when advancing a Rank was how much energy you have. Even the barrier separating the realm was easy to destroy as long as you gathered enough energy

Rank 4 and above on the other hand was the game changer, it just doesn't rely on absorbing energy. It required much more than that

People won't be stuck at the first or second rank of Supernatural, as long as given enough time their chance of advancing was a hundred percent. However, many people become stuck at the peak of third rank their whole lives.

Anyways, for now the best thing to do to increase his strength was to nurture his seedling shape soul. Actually, it was not that accurate to call it a 'seedling' as in these past months it grew more leaves and become taller

Even if all of his Angelic powers were used up and he can't transform into the Holy Tree of Diligence there was still his other soul! He can still feed it with nature type energy to activate the [Bloodline Manifestation]. Its strength might be inferior if he use Angelic Powers but the increase in strength was still substantial

The four started forging their path, although they have differing ones but as they think of each other as family those paths will cross and will help each other


Anna, Annie and Sun was inside an abandoned department store. Sun was still inside Anna's skill, even though aside from the effect of Anna's skill the free energy in the surrounding was also healing him but even after a day he still didn't regain consciousness

His injury now was too severe than even when he fought Kence and went to the fallen city for the first time. This time all of his injuries were all internal and was harder to heal. Even his internal organs were badly damaged and he also lose too much blood

If not for him being a Sin Demon and Anna's Nature's Cradle skill he won't even survive until now

The pair of sisters were currently eating an instant noodles, both of their faces were filled with grief and sadness. The probability that their parents died were almost a hundred percent after their home city become a fallen's nest

Suddenly, the two heard a groaning sound and saw Sun slowly opening his eyes. The two women become tense, although they saved Sun but that was only because they still have the mentality that they just can't let someone die in front of them

As long as they can they will help. However, Anna witnessed how powerful the man they saved was. They can't help but fear that he will attack them when he woke up. With his strength what can they possibly do?