Chapter 68

"Oh, if you can please prioritize picking green crest grass" Ivy nodded her head while putting the said grass on the top of her list. Green Crest Grass just like what its name stated was a grass with crescent shape. It was a common ingredients to soul related things. But one can grind the grass for its juice and drink it directly. It was a mutated grass that can sooth a fatigue soul

Flora crawled to Ivy's arm and coiled around her. The flower will help protect her if another danger come. This was normally Ghol's job but it was busy digesting the Grand Knight fallen

Ivy searched around the forest for any useful herbs, with her being a Supernatural it was easier to remember the common herbs in the archive. If it was a normal human who knows how much time was needed to have the same result as what Ivy has

She carefully plucked a blood red colored herb. This herb will promote blood production, a useful herb for those who lose too much of their blood. She went towards a cliff in the forest while plucking the useful plants she came across with

Green Crescent Grass normally grew on the top of cliffs that is why she decided to search there. Fortunately, along the way she didn't encounter any fallens. There were the occassional rabbits but all of them were docile and didn't attack anyone


Unlike when King went outside on the forest on his own there are a lot more fallens now. But Cesar was different than King, he has many runes ready to be activated. He just randomly threw Runes on the fallens coming to him and all of them died

Even he didn't know just how many runes he has. There are runes drawn all over his body, mostly energy skin ones to protect him from any sneak attacks

It looks like he was just strolling in the wilderness while throwing Runes everywhere. His journey was too easy and nonchalant that if other Supernaturals saw him they will turn green in envy

In the past month and two weeks he rarely fight and therefore managed to have a huge stock of Runes. He also has access to Kence's blue fruits which can replenish his energy

He easily reached the abandoned town where the Angel's Shop was located. The only times when he encountered enemies was on the first kilometer as one kilometer around the Angel's Shop was devoid of any fallens

When he entered he also saw the rows of shelves with all sorts of things. He recognized some of them because King also brought home a variety of things that can be used as an ingredient

When he looked at the counter a graceful woman was sitting on it while she was smiling at him. Thankfully, the Angel has a mask on her face this time to avoid affecting her customer's state of mind. Even then, Cesar was sure that the Angel was as beautiful as a Celestial Fairy

"Welcome to Angel's Shop!" Her voice however was not something she masked and it gave Cesar goosebumps at how ethereal it sounds

But remembering why he was here he calmed whatever emotion was surfacing and said his objective. "Hello, I want to buy raw Energy Pearl"

"Sure, how many do you need?"

Cesar opened his backpack that was filled with blue colored fruits containing nature type energy. "Can I sell all of these for Energy Pearls?" It was better if he can save some time and just directly sell the fruits

He will consume too much time if he need to fill the Energy Pearls with his energy then sell it to buy raw pearls. Unfortunately for him the Angel shook his head

"Sorry, we only accept Energy Pearls. Filling the Energy Pearls will also train the humans it will be good for you"

That was actually the case and one of the reason why the Angel's Shop only accepted Energy Pearls as payment. The shop's purpose was to make humans stronger while not babysitting them. If they can just get something of value in the wild and sell it to the shop they wouldn't grow stronger

They might even focused on their running speed and not fighting skill. If you are fast enough you can take any resources in the wild without needing to fight. That will make your fighting skills inferior and all you can do was run

Cesar sighed, it looks like he need to spend some time here which he don't like. It was better to spend his time strengthening his Soul so that he will become successful in making a self sustaining barrier

"Okay, give me raw Energy Pearls first after I fill it with energy I will sell it for more raw pearls"

"Okay!" The Angel waved her hand and a pile of raw Energy Pearls appeared on the counter. Seeing those made Cesar to feel bitter, his expressions made the Angel to laugh a little

Cesar started filling those pearls with his energy and while eating blue fruits to replenish his used energy. He spent more than an hour there just to eat and fill the pearls with energy. If the fruits has any taste he will become really sick of it by now

"You look like an energy factory" the Angel joked and laughed at herself. "Don't make me realize that" Cesar really felt bitter. He feels as if he was factory worker now

He continued filling the pearls with energy while the Angel was watching him amusely. After he consumed all of the blue fruits he stopped and sell all of the filled Energy Pearls for raw ones. He didn't use the energy left on his body to fill for pearls as he need it to go back to the forest

Cesar managed to fill fifty pearls thanks to the energy fruits. As for every ten raw Energy Pearls one only need to pay one filled pearl, he gained a total of four hundred and fifty raw pearls

He doesn't know why Kence need this but he think that it was enough for now. The Angel gave him the raw pearls and Cesar stuffed it on his backpack

"Say hi to Calter for me" the Angel said and Cesar was not shocked at why she knew Calter. Kence already narrated what happened in the shop and it seems like Calter hold a special place on their heart. "Hmm, I will!"

The Angel smiled and thanked Cesar who immediately went back to the forest. He wants to be in the forest before night arrive, the world will become even more dangerous once the darkness consumed the light

On the way back Cesar was still nonchalant and just throwing his Runes on the enemies. The only difference was that he raised his speed this time

When he went back to the central forest, Kence was still sitting on the branch of his tree body and training his soul. Coincidentally, Ivy also just finished her tasked and arrived too at Kence's location while holding a bag filled with all sorts of plants and herbs

Kence sensed them and he opened his eyes and gave them a smile. He floated down and landed on the ground. "Thank you for the hardwork!"

"Its nothing"

"Happy to help!"

The two answered, clearly unbothered. They are a team and was naturally happy to help make their team stronger. "You can rest for now, tomorrow I will show you something" Kence said while a playful smile hung on his face

The two frowned as his words made them really curious at what he will do

The two went back to the cave while Kence was left once again. He took the bag of raw energy pearls and the Green Crescent Grass. Kence sat on ground in front of his tree body

Maybe it was because of his past profession or he lived for more than a month in a place littered with corpse but the new dead bodies around didn't bother him. Kence hold one of the pearls on his hand and started filling it with his nature type energy

As he was now in the Grand Knight with much more energy than before, he easily filled five of them. For the time being this was enough and he saved the other pearls for next time

He decided to sleep for now to be on the top condition for tomorrow. Flora, Ghol and the other seventy carnivorous flowers were there to notify him in case an enemy appeared

This was his first time sleeping peacefully in the past months. His face was so calm and serene, the exact opposite of him before when he was fighting and killing enemies


Morning arrived and the four went to the central part of the forest with some anticipation. They were really curious at what Kence planned to do. At this time Kence was already awake from his good night sleep and his body was filled with vitality and energy

"You are here early" Kence said while chuckling when he saw their excited face. "Well then I will satisfy your curiosity"

Kence took one of the energy pearls he filled with energy and walked to one of the other trees around. The tree that he chosed was six meters in height. Using his finger he poke a hole on it that was big enough to fit the pearl

He put the pearl on the hole that he made and Kence bit his finger causing blood to leak out. Kence use the blood from his finger to draw a circle around the pearl. It doesn't end there and he draw another larger circle outside the first circle

"Are you ready?" Kence teased, at this time the four's focus was on whatever he will do next. They frowned at Kence's words and they were already expectant of what will happen next

As he had a good night sleep, Kence was at the top of his condition. His soul was as strong as it can be. He trained his control of his soul power to the point that he can already barely use one other usage of it

Soul power pertains to all the things that a Soul can make. Will and consciousness was a field related to soul. Cesar trained the Will aspect of his soul as a Rune Master while Kence on the other hand trained the awareness part of his soul

As if to leave them with a cliff hanger Kence went back to his tree body and for the first time in more than a month reasorb it on his body. The two soul finally become one again

This action of his earned another annoyed groan from the four. Kence chuckled and went back to the normal tree. His tree body reappeared and landed next to the normal tree

For this task it was better to use the soul of his tree as it was a tree and closer to nature. The energy that the tree body absorbed went to the Spirit Clone but the increased in Soul's strength went to the tree body

It can be said that the Spirit Clone has a stronger body but the Tree Body has the stronger soul. Kence controlled the soul of the tree body and green fog like thing started oozing out from it. The fog of Soul Power turned into a compressed ball and Kence controlled it to enter the physical realm

The fog was met with resistance from an invisible barrier that was separating the sea of consciousness and the physical realm but it successfully bypassed that barrier. The fog entered the physical realm through Kence's forehead

The fog flew straight to the energy pearl and entered it. The pearl started shaking violently as if it was on the verge of explosion. Kence gritted his teeth and forced the nature type energy to blend with the Soul Power

After the two blended successfully, the shaking stopped and the pearl became calm again. Kence decided to finish the last step as he felt a huge fatigue on his head

Kence's energy flowed out from his hand like a huge stream and bathed the whole tree with energy. The pearl entered deeper into the tree and the hole created by Kence closed itself

The six meter tall tree trembled and soon a shocking tranformation happened on it