Chapter 87

The next day, Kence was finally back from the Tower of Treasures or Death. He just appeared suddenly in the same spot he was before entering the tower. All eyes turned on him immediately but his own was only staring at a single woman. A woman he thought he would never see again

"Hi" Anna said softly while smiling at him. "H-hi?" Kence was shocked at seeing her and he kind of didn't know how to react. He just stood there dumbly while staring at the woman he didn't saw for a long time. The others just gave them the time and walked a bit far from them

"So... how are you?" Anna asked. "I-I'm fine" Kence coughed in embarrassment. "Do you want to take a walk?" Anna nodded her head and the two started walking side by side. The four people they left behind has bitter expressions on their faces but just let them do what they want

Along the way they talked about a lot of things. Mostly, about what happened to them for the past month. Anna talked about how she discovered that their home city became a fallen's nest to how a guy took a liking at her and was forced to live in another city for some time and leaving her sister behind as she fell in love with that woman

She didn't explain it in details though as the things that happened made an emotional trauma on her. Kence didn't even know that it was his hated enemy, Sun who forced her into an ugly position

Kence mainly talked about how they got the forest to the bees and treants. "Really? You made that treant?" Anna asked in surprise. As a Mystic with an Elf Bloodline she naturally became close to nature. She actually like the treant that's why she decided to follow it

"Hmm yes, it's hard to make them actually. It affected my cultivation speed and I decided to make twenty of them for now"

"That's amazing" Anna said in an amazed tone. They talk for a lot of time that they didn't realized they are already outside the forest. But they still continued their 'little walk' and this time they talked about themselves. Like favorite color, food etc.

"You really like an adventure, don't you? Not many people want to climb a mountain. It's too dangerous!" Anna said while laughing a bit. This time their topic went to places they went to before or want to go and what they want to do in those places

Kence controlled his leaves and it killed a fallen. With his strength and the reduced danger on earth for the time being, even if they met some fallens along the way, Kence easily killed it. It even became a normal occurrence to the both of them and no one bothered about it. "What can I say? I'm an amazing guy" Kence boasted not even bothering about the fallen that they encountered

"Che! So arrogant!" Anna jokingly punched Kence's shoulder which made the latter to chuckle a bit. "How about you? What's your favorite tourist destination?" Kence asked and controlled another group of leaves to kill the other fallens around

Anna put her hand on her chin as if she was thinking deeply. "Come on, do you need to exaggerate it?" Kence said while shaking his head

"Hahaha, fine. I guess my favorite place is anything that has water. Pool, sea, lake, ocean. I don't know, the feeling of submerging your body in water feels really comfortable to me"

"Too bad, for sure places like that are extremely dangerous now. One moment you are swimming then the next thing you knew a sea monster was attacking you" Kence said while sighing in bitterness

The water area on earth was vaster than the land area. It was also extremely deep with millions of creatures on it. Just imagining the mutated animals in there will make one to have goosebumps. Good luck to you if you encounter a gigantic mutant whale

"Hmm, but one day I'll like to see those big bodies of water again" Anna said in a dreamy voice. She didn't even know if she's still alive when humanity can finally enter the regions of water again. But well, one can dream

"Why don't we make that day today? When King explored the area around the forest before, I think he mentioned there's an ocean close here"

"But isn't that dangerous?" Anna asked while she knitted her eyebrows. If they really went to that ocean, just what kind of sea creatures will they encounter? As powerful as Kence he can't possibly kill everything. "We'll just visit it for today and not swim on it. Let's make a promise that once we are strong enough, we will come back and swim in that ocean without caring about the creatures within. How's that?"

Seeing the grin on Kence's face while sunlight was hitting his face make Anna's heart to beat wildly. She needs to admit that Kence is really handsome. "Then, when that time comes, I'm going to make sure that I'm stronger than you!" Anna said confidently

"You wish! Hahaha!"

Kence stretch out his hand and Anna take it while smiling. The two then sped up their pace and started running while laughing with each other. The wind hit their face and mess with their hair, even when they encounter some Supernaturals along the way they didn't stopped and just run and run until they reach their destination

When they finally arrived at the ocean shore, they saw the beauty of the endless ocean. Everywhere their eyes look at, there would always be water. It's like the water was endless

The ocean was completely deserted without any other humans and it's like they own the place. They removed their foot wear and their feet can feel the cold sand.

The waves crashed at their feet and the comforting feeling of water touching your body assaulted their senses. They walked side by side but didn't dare enter deep into the ocean and just walked on its shore

"You know, it gave one mixed feeling at how something this beautiful can be so dangerous" Anna's eyes were fixed in the ocean, mesmerized by its beauty. "What are you saying? You are beautiful yourself but you're not dangerous" Anna's face turned red from embarrassment and pinched Kence on his side

Kence acted as if he was hurt and looked at Anna as if he was wronged. "What a womanizer!" Kence shook his head bitterly. It took all of his courage just to say those embarrassing words yet here he was labelled as a womanizer

The two stayed for a while until the sun set just laughing at talking with each other before deciding to head back in the forest


Inside the Tower of Treasures or Death

In a separate space a woman riding on a shaking old broom stick can be seen. Thankfully, in the three days that the dark spirit gave her she learned how to fly using the broom. But learning how to was different from being skilled at it

She just rode on the broom within the part where she at least has a land to land to. Her flying speed was also extremely slow, a normal human walking casually was even faster than Alice

The dark spirit floated around her while constantly ridiculing her of being so stupid as she can barely use the broom to fly. "I said that make the broom as an extension of your body and not treat it as an external item!" The dark spirit shouted in anger

"I'm trying my best okay!" At this time Alice already reached the limits of her patience. She was already trying her best but this stupid dark spirit won't leave him alone

"You're best is not enough! In this space you don't need to eat food or worry about your energy consumption. All you need to do is train and train yet at this time you still can't control the broom properly just how low is your talent?!" The spirit didn't back down and continue making things harder for Alice. All Alice wants now was to control this broom and kill this annoying dark spirit

"[Magic Skill: Corrosive Ball!]" A small ball of acid was shot from Alice's palm and flew towards the spirit. The spirit dodged in panic at seeing that acidic ball

"Stupid woman! Do you want to kill me?" The spirit shouted in anger and if there was another creature tens of meters away they would surely hear its voice as it shouted so loudly. "Yes, I do! So, shut up if you don't want to die!"

In the past week, Alice's patience was constantly worn out by this spirit to the point that almost every second they are fighting. She was so afraid when she first attacks the spirit but it turns out that unless she failed getting the inheritance this spirit won't have a power to harm her

"You'll die faster than me! You only have a month's time to get the inheritance if not then you will surely die here! I'll laugh at you when that time arrived!"

"I know! I know! So, shut up!" Another corrosive ball was shot from Alice's palm and the spirit hastily dodged again. "Hateful woman! I hope you fail!"


In another separate space inside the tower. A muscular man about two meters high with a bloodied body can be seen standing in an ocean of blood

His body was riddled with all sorts of injuries but it was as if he didn't feel any pain at all. There was only a craze and satisfied smile on his face while looking at the body of the humanoid beast he killed

In the past week all he does was to kill and kill while getting injured himself. He already forgot how many beasts he killed in the past week. Even when he is tired the feeling was so exhilarating for him!

Fight! Fight! A true man is not afraid of fighting anyone. Injuries and wound are the symbol of a true man! Without experiencing pain and injuries how can one call himself a man?!

Suddenly, a humanoid lion appeared in the world of blood while laughing wildly. His manly voiced piercing the world. "HAHAHA! I must say you are really surprising me!" The lion man said in amusement

"How do you like these challenges? Hahaha!" Instead of being angry for needing to fight thousands of beasts everyday Brony actually felt satisfied and happy. This was the first time he fought to his heart's content like that

In a day he can at most battle a few times as his stamina can't support constant fighting but here in this bloody world is different. After a single round of fighting whether it be injuries, deep wounds or even a broken or cut limb all of it were healed in just a matter of a second!

After that he can fight again, he doesn't even mind spending his whole life like this. "Satisfied! Very satisfied!" Brony said in a loud voice while laughing too. It's like the two of them were close bros

"Good! Good! The next one is not a bloody battle but it's more dangerous that that!"

"As long as it's dangerous give it to me!" Brony said with his fighting spirit being ignited. "I hope you can survive this! HAHAHA!"

The lion man waved his hand and thousands of translucent humanoid beasts appeared. "Look Brony! This is the soul of all the beast you killed in this world and they want revenge! This time the battle will take place on your soul! This is a test of your willpower! Hahahhaa!"

After explaining, the lion man once again vanished into small particles that covered Brony's body. All of his injuries were immediately healed as if he didn't fight a bloody battle just a minute ago

Even his mind feels relaxed and every fatigue of his vanished just like that. The angry souls growled at Brony and some of them attacked him. They went through his body and entered his sea of consciousness where a battle of willpower began!

These two people Alice and Brony are just two of people that can gain inheritance

Mages have Grimoires to amplify their magic skills

Rune Masters have Rune Formulas that forced the world to give the desired effect they want

Cultivators has body Cultivation Technique suitable only for them that made their bodies stronger than other Supernaturals

Bloodline Holders have Bloodline that gave them increased body strength and powerful Innate Skills

All of these four Mystics have something to rely on to amplify their strength. If these people gained the inheritance, they will also have something to rely on to increase their power and they are the hope for the future war against the powerful Gods!