Beginning In the Forest (2/2)

Now that that is done, I'm going to need weapons, a way to improve my magic, and a temporary home.

me:System, how would I improve my magic.

System:{You can do it by using magic. Would you like to bring up a list of magic skills?}

me:Yes, and please make it magic relating to earth, fire, water, and wind.



[Fire Affinity-A]

Gives one a great increase in affinity towards the fire element.


[Water Affinity-A]

Gives one a great increase in affinity towards the water element.


[Earth Affinity-A]

Gives one a great increase in affinity towards the earth element.


[Wind Affinity-A]

Gives one a great increase in affinity towards the wind element.


[Fire Bolt-C]

Forms a bolt of fire that can be shot. Size and power depend on mana exerted and infinity towards the fire element.


[Water Blade-C]

Forms a blade of water that can be shot. Size, power, and sharpness depending on mana exerted and infinity towards the water element.


[Wind Cutter-C]

Forms a blade of air that can be shot. Size, power, and sharpness depending on mana exerted and infinity towards the wind element.


[Earth Shot-C]

Forms a bullet of solid earth that can be shot. Size and power depend on mana exerted and affinity towards the earth element.


I gave you Rank A affinities because when you get the bloodlines, it'll increase your infinity towards each one of the 4 elements to S rank. All the Affinities do is make it that when you try manipulating the given elements you'll find it much easier to do so. Before you ask Aelita, the reason I'm giving you C ranked skills and ones that are low class compared to most, is because of the amount of mana you currently have. The low class part is because although they're low class, they have a lot of different uses and applications once you get proficient in using them, and because you're not used to controlling magic at all, especially not specific elements. Best case scenario if you lost control is some simple wounds. Worst case scenario is death, because of your limited mana, your [Instant-Regeneration] skill won't be able to heal significant damage right now.}

me:Okay I see my mistake now. I was a bit too hasty. For now, purchase them all.


me:Okay, now we're off to find a temporary home. First, buy me a sword that I can currently wield with my strength.

[Iron Sword]


A simple iron sword meant for beginning adventurers.


I then took the iron sword out of my inventory. Swinging it around I realize just how much help the skill is giving me. It felt like it's correcting the smallest of details, yet it seemingly makes all the difference. After asking to buy a spear I tried it out and found the same thing happening. Wanting to get even better I ask the system to buy me various techniques for the sword, bow, and spear with a budget of 1 million SP. By the time that I found a cave, it feels like I've wielded these weapons for decades.

Asking the system to buy me a bed, campfire, and a basin, I take them out and put them around the cave. In total it cost 10,000 SP, and I must say the bed is the comfiest thing in the universe. I looked around my new cave home. Cozy. Sitting on the bed wanting to try and increase my magic, I tried to manipulate the wind but only felt tired. When I asked the system, it told me that I used my entire mana pool up already and caused a state equal to running out of mana in this world called "Mind Zero". After that, I slept for a few hours while I recovered my mana.


Waking up after 4 hours, I asked the system if there was anything to make recovering mana faster and it showed me a skill.

[Spirit Healing-S]

Recovers mana and stamina at a Faster rate.


I bought it then asked the system to show me my status.



Name: Aelita Stone

Age: 20

Race: Human

Level: 1

Power: I-60

Endurance: I-45

Dexterity: F-360

Agility: H-135

Magic: I-50

SP:‭886,989,200 (with the bloodlines plus the spear that I made cost 400, like the sword)

Skills-[Instant-regeneration-A], [Bow Mastery-A]

Magic:[Fire Bolt-C], [Water Blade-C], [Wind Blade-C], [Earth Shot-C]

(Grade A Infinities towards, Fire/Water/Wind/Earth)

Development Abilities:[Guitar-B], [Swordsman-A], [Spearman-A], [Spirit Healing-S]


I like the improvements. Thinking about if I should increase my parameters more, I feel my stomach growl. Thinking about it I haven't eaten in several hours, so getting off my heavenly bed to stand on the less heavenly cave floor, I decided to see if I can hunt efficiently.

First I'm going to see if my bow skill is will help as much as I need. Purchasing a simple oak bow and coming with a few arrows, I went out of the cave then looked towards a tree. I purchased a red paint bucket and a big brush and painted a target on a tree. Taking out the bow and an arrow, I went back about 50 meters and drew the arrow. I was pleasantly surprised when I nearly hit a bullseye. Drawing another arrow, I nearly hit another bullseye. Trying again another 5 times, I was consistently accurate each time.

Thinking that I was prepared enough, I went into the forest to look for some game. I later came upon a rabbit that was peacefully grazing in the grass. Drawing an arrow, I let it go and was happy when it killed it. I felt kind of bad, but I was hungry, so not bad enough to not kill it. Walking up to it, I took the arrow out of it and put the corpse in my inventory. I repeated the process another 5 times thinking that I might as well get some extra. I wonder if time stops in my inventory... if the meat smells bad later, then it does.

Realizing that I didn't know how to properly cook freshly hunted rabbit, I asked the system to buy a manual on basic survival cooking. Feeling happy with myself, I started to make my way back to my cave. Then I suddenly heard a low growling noise off to the right. Checking it out I came face too face with a skinny, short, and green creature wielding a rusty, tattered iron sword. I was very happy that this was happening as soon as it was. I was thinking back to what the "God" dude told me was in this forest. I then remembered it was a goblin. I put away my bow and arrows and took out my sword, and started to try and get closer to it without alerting it.