Boosting Parameters

Waking up at my accustomed 7:45 college time, I decided to cook some meat. Using [Fire Bolt] at a toned down power, I managed to start the campfire without much hassle. Much more convenient than fumbling with a lighter. After finishing the rabbit meat, I decided to use the boosters from the shop to try and improve my body so that another numbing incident like yesterday didn't happen again. Asking the system to bring up the booster section of the shop with the filter of body-enhancing I was worried about the results.


[Body Tempering Liquid]


Can be mixed into bath water. Soaking in the water after strenuous training accelerates recovery speed and promotes the strengthening of bone and muscles. Causes extreme pain.


Me: System how far can this liquid take me parameters wise.

System: {I cannot say for certain because it is not an item from this world. I will say however that it could potentially take your Power, Endurance, and Agility stats as high as midway through rank A. This is only however possible if you do it multiple times.}

Thinking about it, I decided that it was going to be fine so long as I didn't do it every other hour. Buying 14 vials of the liquid I decided to start training.

I turned off my [Instant Regeneration] and [Spirit Healing] skills so I don't accidentally run out of mana mid-way through the training, as well as to increase my natural regeneration. I started by trying to do 100 sit-ups and then followed by 100 push-ups. Thanks to my strength skill, it was a breeze for the first 75 of both. After that, I ran around a nearby lake 20 times. It was a big lake, but I figured the number of times I went around equaled 5 miles. Going back to the river from before, I filled the buckets and put all but 2 back in my inventory. Getting back to the cave, I filled the basin with the water, then used a watered down [Fire Bolt] again to light the campfire. Deciding to continue training until the water is heated I alternated between 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups. Despite the strength skills I possessed, I was starting to get sweaty so the idea of a bath seemed promising.

Deciding that the water was warm enough, I put out the campfire and poured one of the vials in the basin. It turned from clear, steaming water, to a not very clear steaming water. Stripping down, I took a breath and got into the warm basin. At first, it hurt like hell. I grit my teeth and waited through it, and after about 10 minutes it started to die down. When the water turned clear again I used the soap and washed my body. Getting out of the basin I ate some more. Realizing I was going to need more meat, I set out to hunt.

Taking out my bow and arrows, I managed to hunt more rabbits bringing today's gains to 8. Feeling satisfied with it, I decided to try and fight another goblin, but this time with magic. Running through the forest, I managed to find another goblin. Sneaking up behind it I stayed about 5 meters away thinking it would be far enough. Forming a water blade I tried to cut off its head and was once again surprised that my aim was nearly spot on. I managed to cut off its head just below the chin, and before the head hit the ground it became just another pile of dust. Walking towards where it was, I picked up the sword and Magic Stone and threw both into my inventory.

Thinking that it was getting late enough I decided to head home and train my magic. When I got back I cooked and ate a rabbit, then sat on the heavenly bed and practiced manipulating the wind. Continuing until it was 11:00, I decided to go to bed.


It's been two weeks since I began using the [Body Tempering Liquid] and I haven't checked my status at all. I just finished using the last vial, and the system told me that the vials won't have any effect on my body anymore. Thinking that tomorrow was a great day to check my stats, I decided to continue my training. When I got done with the bath, I pulled out the guitar I bought around a week ago and started playing. After roughly an hour playing, I put the guitar away and went out hunting. When I later came back I managed to get 15 more rabbits, and killed 7 more goblins, earning me 7 more swords and 7 more Magic Stones.

Getting back I took another bath and decided to continue the magic training. Sitting on the Heavenly bed once again, I started to try and back a solid clump of rocks from the air, and by the time it was 11:00 I managed to do it.


Waking up I decided to waste no time and check my status.



Name: Aelita Stone

Age: 20

Race: Human

Level: 1

Power: H-105 -> A-875

Endurance: H-100 -> A-890

Dexterity: F-365 -> A-810

Agility: H-145 -> A-835

Magic: I-52 -> B-739


Skills: [Instant-regeneration-A], [Bow Mastery-A], [Stealth-E]

Magic: [Fire Bolt-B], [Water Blade-B], [Wind Blade-B], [Earth Shot-B]

(Grade A Infinities towards, Fire/Water/Wind/Earth)

Development Abilities: [Guitar-B], [Swordsman-A], [Spearman-A], [Spirit Healing-S]


Thinking that the improvements were great, I decided it was about time I went to the city. Deciding to spend one last morning hunting I went out with my bow and arrows and caught 5 more rabbits. Heading back into the cave, I cooked the remaining rabbits that I had in my inventory for a total of 35 cooked rabbits. Thinking that that was enough food to last a while, I put the Heavenly bed and the basin into my inventory and kept my sword on my waist.

When I asked the system if I would need anything to get into the city, it told me to give something worth a bit of money as payment since one of the only things the system can't produce is money. So I decided to use all of the Magic Stones that I managed to get until now. I ran towards the west where the city was, wearing fresh clothes I bought to replace the ones from when I came here. I kept the same style, I just made it fit my newly toned muscles.