Status Board and Familia

Getting over myself I decided to mess with the status board now.

System: {Just activate the skill and think about which skills you want to hide. The skills that are hidden from the status board others would see will look like //skill-ranking// instead of [skill-ranking].}

Feeling a bit of sassiness coming on, I ignored it and activated the skill. It seemed simple enough, so after about 10 minutes of tweaking, I was satisfied with the modifications.



Name: Aelita Stone

Age: 20

Race: Human

Level: 1

Power: A-880 -> S-945

Endurance: A-895 -> S-920

Dexterity: A-840 -> A-865

Agility: A-875 -> A-890

Magic: A-801 -> A-850


Skills: [Bow Mastery-D(A)], [Stealth-E], //Instant regeneration-A//, //Skill Hider-SSS//, //No Men-SSS//

Magic: [Storage-C], //Fire Bolt-B//, //Water Blade-B//, //Wind Blade-B//, //Earth Shot-B//, //Sensor-SSS//

Development Abilities: [Guitar-B], [Swordsman-B(A)], [Spearman-D(A)], //Spirit Healing-S//, //Abnormal Nullification-S//, //Mental Nullification-S//, //Charm-SSS//


I studied the changes to my status board, committing them to memory. The aspects with parenthesis around the true grade of the skill would show a lower grade to any who looked, and the addition of the Storage magic, although still rare in this world, would be a good cover for emergencies where I needed to use my inventory.

Satisfied that these changes would keep my secret, I decided that it was good enough for the night.

Or bad enough for a level one. I chuckled at my own joke before heading to bed.


Waking up with my alarm around 10, I left the inn I was staying in and made my way towards the "Twilight Manor" where I would meet Loki at noon.

Getting there about 30 minutes early, I knocked on the door. Explaining my upcoming meeting to the adventurer that opened the door, they directed me to another adventurer who was less busy.

Looking at the grand decor around me, I felt like it would be rude to show up empty handed. Shooting a quick thought to the System as the adventurer led me down a long hallway, I had it purchase what it felt was a suitable bottle of alcohol from my home world. A bottle of something called Chateau Margaux appeared in my inventory.

Adventurer: Loki-sama is likely ready to meet you. I must warn you though, considering that you're very beautiful she might try and tease you.

The woman seemed genuine in both her compliment and warning, so I nodded. She asked me to wait a moment and disappeared in the door, only to come back out a minute later.

Being instructed to go ahead and go inside, I stepped in. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn't this.

Lounging lazily on a couch right below the window was a woman.

Long ginger hair pulled into a low ponytail and bangs framed her face. She wore a blue tube top, cropped just below the bust and showing over half of her torso. Despite this, long sleeves and a hood covered her shoulders and arms. Extremely short black shorts paired with matching thigh highs were tight against toned legs, blue heeled boots propped up on the chair next to her as she studied me with hooded eyes.

Off to the side standing by the couch was another figure. This time male, blond and lithe and serious. He was much more covered than the female figure, with a purple undershirt and tights covered by a tan and ornate tunic vest. The shock only hit me for a split second at how small and childlike he looked. In my old world, he couldn't have been more than 10.

Quickly, I remembered that not all people in this world were human, however, and that looks could easily be deceiving.

Finally, off to the other side of the woman was the elf I recognized as the one from outside the guild. I felt a blush try to come up to my cheeks, but I pushed it down. Now that I had more time to look at her, I took in the olive green and gold cloak she wore, topped with a cream colored cloak. She seemed the least demanding presence in the room, yet I couldn't help but think of the skill I unlocked the last time I saw her.

The woman laying on the couch grinned up at me, her eyes never getting any bigger than the slits she looked at me through.

Ginger Woman: Hello there. You must be Aelita Stone.

She gestured to the chair across from her.

Ginger Woman: I am Loki, Goddess of this Familia. To my right is the Captain, Finn.

Loki waved a hand towards the blond male on the side, who bowed.

Loki: To my left is the Vice Captain, Riveria.

She did the same hand wave towards the green haired woman. The jade haired elf gave a small smile and an inclination of her head in greeting.

Me: It is an honor to meet you, Goddess Loki, Captain Finn, Vice Captain Riviera.

I bowed slightly towards each person as I greeted them, careful not to make too much eye contact to remain respectful, but also not showing any hesitation. Loki's grin widened into a slight smirk, and I felt literal exclamation points go off in my head.

System: {I must caution you Aelita. Loki being the physical embodiment of trickery, mischief, and schemes, she'll be able to see through lies in a heartbeat.}

I frowned internally, sending my frustration through to the System.

Me: 'Then what can I do? I've got secrets that I'd rather no one know, as you well know.'

System: {There only two ways to trick her. The first is lying by omission. For you however, the second option would be best. You can buy the Acting skill and hide it. Normally this would not be feasible, but since you have the [Skill Hider] to hide your acting skill, she'll have no reason not to believe you.}

Relief coursed through me. Thank God (Goddess?) for cheating the system.

Me: 'Bring it up, System.'



Your acting skills rival that of a trained professional. Lies are harder to detect, and people believe your sincerity unless given a reason not to.


Me: 'Buy it and hide it immediately. Thank you, System.'

A trill came from the System and I took it as a response.

Me: I brought a fine wine as an offering, Loki-sama, if you will have it. It is rare, as I've carried a long way from my home.

Reaching out, I pulled the wine bottle from thin air. It was my first time using my inventory in front of someone else, and it still felt strange. Immediately, Loki perked up and showed an interest. She reached out, taking the bottle from my hand and immediately passing it off to the Captain.

Loki: Was that space magic?

I smiled and nodded, taking the seat across from her. Let the schmoozing begin.

Me: Yes ma'am, it was.

She leaned forward onto one hand, tilting her head to the side in curiosity.

Loki: That's pretty rare magic. Thank you for the gift, but now that formalities are over, I want to know everything about you. Who are you, and why should I let you join my familia?