A Loose Snake

My original once a week plan was for there to be a chapter every Saturday, and I am genuinely sorry about this, but there will most likely not be a chapter tomorrow. My sister lost a snake that is currently roaming the house. It would've been fine if she wasn't so fucking tiny. She can literally fit under doors.

My biggest worry is that she's in the room that I sleep in because it's really hot in here, it's messy, and the rest of the house is kinda cold. She's Houdini with how she hides better each time. She has also been missing for like 3 days. I'm torn up about asking my sister to edit the next chapter until either the snake is found or my sister gives up.

This is her SECOND snake by the way. But the first one is much bigger making him easier to find. He's also better behaved and older than this tinier one.