Chapter 1: Transfer

Chris Kim woke up with a frown on his face.

"First day of school...," He mumbled as he got out of bed. However, he realized that he was not on his small queen-sized bed, but rather a huge bed much bigger than a king sized bed. He looked around the room and was completely shocked by what he saw. It was as big as a living room in a small apartment and Chris could tell that all the furniture in here was made of expensive wood.

"Did I get kidnapped?" Chris asked himself in horror as he heard someone knock on the door.

"Sir Argus, are you up from bed yet?"

Before he could even think, the door opened and a maid came inside the room. Chris ran to kick, but the maid did not even flinch.

"What?! I'm a 18 year old man. Even if this woman is a bodybuilder there is no way she could be unhurt," However, he looked at his foot and realized that his body was much smaller.

"Sir Argus that is quite a rude way to say good morning," The maid said as she walked towards Chris.

"I'm not Argus! I'm Chris, Chris Kim! You have the wrong man, wrong boy, whatever I am right now!"

"Sir Argus, did your hit your head when you woke up? You are Argus Nidma, the heir of the Nidma family, the richest and one of the most powerful family in the history of the Wizarding World,"

"What are you... Wait a minute, did you just say Wizarding World?" Chris asked the maid.

"Yes, the Wizarding Word," The maid replied with a straight face.

"It doesn't seem like she's joking," Chris thought as he tried to find any trace of hidden laughter on the maid's face.

Suddenly a beautiful woman that looked like she was in her mid 20's came into the room.

"Son, what's taking you so long to wake up! It's time for breakfast,"

"Whose that beautiful woman? Is she a model? What a beautiful pair of green eyes. Wait, she called me son?!" Chris thought as his jaws dropped due to the shock.

"Nothing, Mother? The maid has just woken me up. I'll be down in a second. I just need to go to the restroom and take care of business,"

"Oh, that is no way to address Isla like that!"

"It's alright Lady Claire. It seems that Sir Argus is acting a bit strange right now. We should leave the room and give him some privacy," Isla said while bowing her head.

"Oh, alright. Son hurry up and come downstairs," The woman said as she and the maid left the room.

Chris went to bathroom that was connected to the room and was once again flabbergasted as he saw the splendor of the grand bathroom.

"I seem to have transmigrated into the Harry Potter world," Chris said as he started to gather all the information. "The only thing that seems to be different is this Nidma family. I'm certain that they did not exist. Judging by my body size, I should be around 10 so it seems that I still have around a year left to study everything needed for Year 1. Since I'm supposedly in a grand family, I should have some leeway and connections. Now the only thing that I need is to make sure I'm going to be in the same year as Harry, Ron, and Hermione,"

As Chris was sinking in everything, he started to become more excited by the second.

"But the Harry Potter world... Oh god! I can't even breathe right now!"

After he calmed down, he left the bathroom and went downstairs.

"Alright, my name is Argus so I need to get used to that," Argus thought.

"Hello mother, I'm sorry for being so late this morning. I was just extra sleepy this time,"

"Don't be so cordial with me Argus, you know I don't like that. Only do that when your father is around. Oh, ever since Voldemort disappeared, your father is outside much more to make sure that 'we all have food in our mouth'," Claire said while sighing. "Oh, I needed to talk about your education. You can choose from Durmstrang, Hogwarts, or Beauxbatons. Honestly, since I came from Beauxbaton, I want you to go there, but if you wish to go to Durmstrang or Hogwarts, I wouldn't mind letting you go there too especially Hogwarts since your father graduated from there,"

"Hogwarts!" Argus said without hesitation.

"Wow, your love for Dumbledore is still thriving isn't it?" Claire said with a smile. "Alright, I'll tell your father that your choice is Hogwarts. He'll be extremely happy to hear this. I believe that he still had his old books on the shelves of his room. Oh, am I going to hear it tonight. Your father is going to brag about Hogwarts for the entire night!"

"It's not really about Dumbledore though..." Argus thought as he continued to eat his lavish breakfast that consisted of high quality eggs, bacon, and sausages. He put aside the tea when Claire suddenly said, "Argus, you better drink all of that tea. It costs us a 100 galleon per kilo,"

"That's around 600 dollars!" Chris thought as he quickly brought the tea back and started to drink it. He hated it at first, but the more he drank it, the better it felt.

When they were done eating breakfast, Claire went to the bookshelves and handed Argus all the first year books alongside some history books.

"Here are all the books. I'll buy you new ones when we go to Diagon Alley. Oh, it's going to be so fun shopping. Your father says I should save the money, but honestly what is the point of being the richest if you can't use the money. All the money in our vault should allow our family to live lavishly for the next 500 years. Well either way, you should start studying for your classes. Even though practical classes such as Charms and Transfiguration are going to be difficult to study for, studying for the history class, Herbology, and the other conceptual classes should be rather simple," Claire said with a smile. However, she did not expect much as she did not believe a child even hers would even want to study.

"Alright Mother, I'll try my best to learn at least the basics of the subject by the time school starts," Argus said as he left to go to his room.