Chapter 9: Beginning of Hogwarts

The Gryffindors followed Percy out of the Great Hall and out to the staircases. Argus noticed that Hermione, Harry and Ron were having trouble walking due to sleepiness and lightly shook all of them to keep them awake for a little while longer. Argus was fascinated by all the moving pictures, hidden doors, and the incredible long walk that they had to do.

However, soon they came to a stop and Argus soon realized why. There was a bundle of walking sticks floating midair and when Percy tried to take a step, the sticks threw themselves at him.

"It's Peeves," Percy whispered to the first years. "An annoying poltergeist that tries to pull pranks on everybody,"

He then started to shout.

"Peeves, show yourself!"

There was only a loud fart-like sound that answered.

"Peeves, I will go to the Bloody Baron!" Percy said.

There was a loud pop sound and a little man with wicked eyes and an evil smile wearing a jester costume appeared midair. He was cross-legged in the air while holding onto the walking sticks.

"Ooooooh, it's the Icky Firsties," The ghost said with an evil sounding laugh. He then suddenly flew towards the first years and everyone including Argus ducked.

"Peeves, I will tell the Bloody Baron about this if you do not disappear," Percy said.

Peeves stuck out his tongue and disappeared. The walking sticks that he was holding all dropped onto Neville's head and everyone heard his zoom away rattling the decorative coats of armor.

"Watch out for Peeves. He doesn't listen to anyone except for the Bloody Baron," Percy said with a sigh.

When they arrived at the end of the corridor, Argus saw the painting of The Fat Lady.

"Password?" she asked.

"Caput Draconis," Percy answered and the portrait swung forward. In front now was a round hole in the wall. Everyone awkwardly climbed through it and Neville even needed assistance. The Common Room was a cozy round room with comfortable looking armchairs.

Percy showed the directions of the boy's and girl's dormitories. At the top of the staircases was the boy's dormitory and there were six beds in the room with velvet curtains. All their luggage was also brought as well. Harry, Ron, Seamus, Dean, and Neville all put on their pajama and fell onto their beds. Argus heard some snoring and realized that all of them were asleep.

As he didn't feel like sleeping yet, he tried to pass the time by thinking about the original story line.

"If I remember correctly, in the first year, Harry has to fight Quirrell who has Voldemort inside of him," Argus thought. "For now I should try to help Harry in any way that I can,"

Soon his eyes started to slowly close and Argus fell asleep.


The next morning, Argus, Ron, and Harry all went to their first classes. There was a lot of whispering about both Harry and Argus. Harry's whispering was about his scar while topics about Argus was about both his father's company and the events that transpired yesterday.

"There's Harry Potter,"

"Oh the kid with the glasses?"

"Did you see his scar?"

"More importantly, there's Argus Nidma. I heard his dad's company is releasing their new broom really soon. I heard it's going to be much faster than the Nimbus 2000,"

"I also heard that they created a new potion. My father was talking about how he was going to buy it regularly,"

"The Sorting Hat talking to him was quite something as well. I wonder what it meant,"

While Harry looked extremely uncomfortable, Argus was completely fine with it and did not let it bother him.

"Harry, don't let this bother you. If you do, you won't be able to survive your next 7 years here," Argus said with a smile.

"I know, but with them talking so much about the both of us, how are we supposed to concentrate finding our classes where everything is there, but at the same time not there?" Harry asked.

"You'll get used to it," Argus said. However, he was also having a bit of trouble finding the way to classes as well. The Vanishing Steps, ticklish doors, and walls pretending to be doors made it quite difficult to navigate around the school. To make matters worse, the ghosts would give them a heart attack by coming out of the door they were trying to open and worst of all. Peeves would prank them if they were late for class. Although all the ghosts weren't bad as some like Nearly Headless Nick would help them.

However, it seemed that Burgus Filch had it out for them. On the first morning, even after Argus' protests, Harry and Ron tried to open the door that happened to be the entrance to the forbidden corridors which made Filch threaten them to keep them in a dungeon. However, due to Nidma Family's influence, Filch backed down.

(Changed Argus Filch to Burgus Filch since I don't want the MC and some lousy caretaker to have the same name.)

The week was quite simple for Argus. While it seemed that Harry and most of the other wizards seemed to have a hard time, due to Argus studying the entire material for a year, he didn't have much of a difficult time with these subjects as most of them was pure memorization. Even Flitwick didn't give out much as well.

Of course, Transfiguration was quite different. The first class they went in, Professor McGonagall gave them the talk.

"Transfiguration is dangerous and extremely complex. Anyone who is messing around will be forced to leave,"

Then she changed her desk into a pig and back. Argus saw everyone's face get excited, but Professor McGonagall made them disappointed and gave the class lots of notes. Then she gave each and every one of the class a match to make them turn into needles. Argus thought he would be able to do it on his first try, but even he found some trouble.

"Even with the theoretical knowledge, it's quite difficult to actually pull it off," Argus thought as he tried his second and third time all failing. On his sixth try, he finally succeeded and turned his match into a needle.

"Well done, Mr. Nidma. That was extremely quick considering how difficult this is. I award Gryffindor with 10 points," Professor McGonagall said with a smile.

By the end of the lesson, Hermione also turned her match into a needle and Professor McGonagall also complimented her as well.

After Transfiguration was the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and it was simply a joke as Argus realized that Quirrell was trying to make up excuses for Voldemort inhabiting his head. He openly showed his disdain towards Quirrell.

It was now Friday and it was time for the double period of Potions with the Slytherins. Naturally, they now did not get lost.

"Today's potions right?" Harry asked.

"Yeah and I heard that Snape favors Slytherins since he is the head of their house," Ron said.

"I wish McGonagall favored us," Harry said.

"Well it can't be helped. She's a better teacher than Snape is," Argus said. Then Hedwig and Schwartz came in together. Hedwig gave Harry a mail from Hagrid. Schwartz on the other hand, just came to play with Argus.

"Hagrid said he wants to have some tea with us Argus," Harry said.

"Sure," Argus said. Harry then quickly filled a letter and sent Hedwig off to deliver it. Schwartz also left at the same time as well.

"They're very friendly aren't they?" Ron said.

"Yeah, since they were bought at the same time, I guess they're pretty good friends," Argus said.

Snape's Potions class was not a pleasant time. He started with roll call like Flitwick and when he got to Harry and Argus' name, he made some snide remarks.

"Ahhh two celebrities here at the same time in my class. What an honor," Snape said sarcastically.

Harry looked a bit bothered by both the comment and Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle sniggering. Argus whispered to Harry.

"Ignore him and those goons over there. They're just jealous,"

Harry smiled and Argus looked forward once more.

"You are here to learn the art of potion making and the science behind it," Snape said. "There is little wand waving here so I'm expecting that many of you will think this class is not useful. I also don't expect you to love this subject either. However, I will teach all of you to brew well as long as you guys aren't the dunderheads that I have to teach most of the time,"

Everyone was dead silent and Argus looked at Hermione who seemed to be the only one eager to prove herself after taking out a quill and parchment.

"Potter!" Snape suddenly said. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"I don't know, sir," Harry said. Hermione's arm quickly shot up.

"That's cute," Argus said looking at Hermione's eager face.

"Fame clearly isn't everything," Snape said with disdain.

He ignored Hermione's hand which angered Argus a bit.

"Nidma!" Snape said as he turned his head towards Argus. "Where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

"A bezoar is a stone-like mass made up of usually hair, fiber, and other indigestible matter. It's most commonly used in the making of Antidotes to Common Poisons and cures most poisons even the famed Basilisk venom. I believe it was found in..." Argus purposefully stalled it out until he noticed that Snape opened his mouth. "The stomach of a goat,"

Snape looked at Argus.

"Know-It-All," He commented before going back to Harry.

"Potter, tell me the difference between a monkshood and a wolfsbane," Hermione's arm was raised once more.

"I don't know, but it seems like Hermione does. Try her," Harry said.

A few people laughed, but Snape was displeased.

"Sit down!" He screamed at Hermione. This made Argus almost threaten Snape with a blacklist from all potions material shops. "For your information Potter, asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death and monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite. Why don't I see quills?"

Everyone excluding Argus started to rummage for a quill and parchment.

"1 point will also be taken off from Gryffindor because of your attitude Potter," Snape said.

Snape then proceeded to pair everyone together to make a potion to cure boils. Argus got paired up with Hermione and Harry was with Ron.

"Hey Hermione, don't get too beaten up by Snape," Argus said trying to console Hermione.

"It's alright Argus," Hermione said with a smile. "Good answer to your question though. I'm surprised you know so much about bezoar. Even I don't know that much,"

"It's nothing," Argus said. "My parents own a potions and potions material shop. If I don't know at least the material's effects, it would be quite hilarious,"

Hermione and Argus started to work on the potions with Argus subtly flirting with Hermione. Meanwhile, Snape walked around criticizing everyone including Hermione. Argus glared at Snape which Snape didn't notice. He then proceeded to compliment Draco which made Argus make a weird face as he could see so many minute errors in his potion-making.

Neville also melted Seamus's cauldron into a blob, and their potion was seeping across the stone floor, burning holes in people's shoes. Within seconds, the whole class was standing on their stools while Neville was already moaning in pain as boils showed up on his arms and legs.

"Idiot boy!" Snape said with anger as he started clearing the spilled potion away with one wave of his wand. "You added the porcupine quills before taking the cauldron off the fire didn't you?"

Neville whimpered as boils started to show up on his nose as well.

"Take him up to the hospital wing," Snape said to Seamus. Then he faced Harry and Ron, who had been working next to Neville.

"Potter. Why didn't you tell him not to add the quills? You thought it would look good if he make a mistake and you didn't, didn't you? Subtract 1 point from Gryffindor,"

Harry opened his mouth to argue, but Ron quickly dissuaded him.

After about an hour, Argus said goodbye to Hermione and went to Ron and Harry. He saw that Harry was dispirited about the entire incident.

"Don't worry about it Harry. Snape took out 2 points while I gained us 5. We're still up 3 points," Argus said.

Harry's complexion immediately got better hearing this.

"Yeah and he always takes points off of Fred and George. Oh yeah, let me to go Hagrid with you,"

Harry nodded and at 3:55, they went to Hagrid.