Chapter 11: Fluffy

"What do we do? We can't let Harry get expelled," Ron said to Argus on the field.

"Don't worry Ron. I'm pretty sure Professor McGonagall won't be unfair and expel Harry. You know what if he gets expelled. I'll go and confess that Draco and I both flew and we should get expelled as well," Argus said.

"Well, you don't have to go that far," Ron said. When Ron saw that Hermione was coming, he squinted his eyes.

"Well, I'll go back and try to practice 'Up!'" Ron said as he left.

Hermione went to Argus and Argus could tell that she was not happy.

"Hey Hermione, what's up," Argus said.

"Don't 'What's up' me. Argus how could you break the rules like that. What if you got hurt or expelled or just something bad happened?" Hermione asked.

"Don't worry Hermione. Can't you see that I'm fine," Argus said.

"Yeah, but what if... what if something happened?"

"Nothing is going to happen and if I did break my wrist or something, Madam Pomfrey would fix me right back up," Argus said.

"Alright, I don't care anymore!" Hermione exclaimed as she stormed off.

Argus scratched his head and tried to call her back, but she ignored him

"What just happened?" Argus thought as Madam Hooch came back and the flying lesson continued.


It was now dinnertime and Harry came back to tell them about the fact that he became a Seeker.

"Seeker? But first years are never... You must be the youngest House Quidditch player in a..."

"Century. Yeah Wood told me,"

Ron just stared at Harry in amazement while Argus just smiled.

"Well, congratulations Harry. Well if you got in trouble, I would have sacrificed Draco and myself as well so everyone gets punished. Now that I think about it, my mother would kill me for getting expelled," Argus said. Everyone laughed at his comment.

"Thanks Argus. Oh yeah, I'm starting training next week, but don't tell anyone. Wood wants it to be a secret,"

The Weasley twins now came into the hall, saw Harry, and ran over as fast as they could.

"Good job Harry," George said in a soft voice. "Wood told us about our new Seeker. We're Beaters on the team,"

"With Harry, we're going to win the Quidditch cup for sure," Fred said. "Since Charlie left, we haven't won, but I know that the team this year is going to be great. But your Seeker skill must be excellent Harry. Wood was practically skipping like a little girl when he told us the new,"

"Well, we have to go," George said. "Lee Jordan said that he found a new secret passageway, but I bet that it's the one behind the statue of Gregory the Smarmy that we found in our first week. Anyways, see you,"

Both left and immediately after they disappeared, Draco appeared with Crabbe and Goyle.

"I see you're having your last meal, Potter. So when are you going to go back to the Muggles?"

"Wow, Draco. I see that your arrogant side has come back now that you have your two trolls with you," Argus said.

"Yeah, I see that you're a lot braver now that you're on the ground and you have your friends with you," Harry said coolly. Hearing this made Crabbe and Goyle crack their knuckles in anger, but as the High Table was full of teachers, they couldn't do anything.

"Quiet Nidma! Potter, since you think you're so good, I'll duel you. Tonight, a wizard's duel if you wish to do so. Wands only. Oh yeah, I forgot. You've probably never heard of a wizard's duel before,"

Argus was about to tell Harry not to get roped in, but he soon realized that this part was much too important to the plot for him to skip.

"Of course, he knows what a wizard's duel is. Told him about it myself. I'm his second, who's yours?" Argus asked.

"Draco looked at both Crabbe and Goyle.

"Crabbe's my second. Midnight alright? Be at the trophy room since it's always unlocked,"

When Draco left, Harry started to ask questions.

"What's a wizard's duel?" Harry asked. "And Argus, what do you mean, you're my second?"

"A wizard's duel is just like those Muggle duels where you fight each other except with magic," Ron said.

"A second is just someone who takes over if you're unable to battle because of death," Argus said while eating his pie.

Harry's face turned strange after hearing that.

"Don't worry. People only die in proper duels where the wizards know actual spells that can harm. The most you and Malfoy can do is to send sparks to each other since you guys don't know actual damaging spells. Well I bet he expected for you to refuse and insult you afterwards," Ron said.

"And what do I do if I try to cast a spell and nothing happens?" Harry asked.

"Then get physical. I bet he's going to get Crabbe and Goyle to jump on you anyways. I'll hold them back while you hit Draco," Argus said.

"Yeah just throw your wand away and punch him on the nose," Ron said.

"Excuse me," A familiar voice said. When the three looked up, they saw Hermione standing there.

"Can't a person eat without interruption?" Ron asked.

Hermione ignored Ron and started to speak to Harry.

"I couldn't help overhearing what you and Malfoy were saying--"

"I bet you could have," Ron said under his breath.

"-- And I think you shouldn't go wandering around the school at night. Think of the points you'll lose the House if they catch you and since you're first years without knowing any spells to hide yourself, you're bound to be caught. It's really selfish of you guys. And Argus how could you do this? Can't you tell these two to stop breaking the rules. I thought you were better than this,"

"Hermione. Just look at Draco's arrogant face. I just want to cast some simple spells." Argus said.

"Argus, I can't believe you just said that. This is really selfish of you guys,"

"And it's really not your business," Harry said.

"Good-bye," Ron said as they both left. Argus still stayed there.

"I'm sorry Hermione. I'll make it up to you later," Argus said with a weak smile as he went to catch up with Harry and Ron.

It was 11:30, just 30 minutes before the "duel".

"Half-past eleven. We should start going," Ron said

The three of them put on their robes, picked up their wands, and went to the Common Room. There was still a little fire going in the fire place. When the three of them reached the portrait hole, a voice spoke from one of the chairs in the room.

"I can't believe you're going to do this Harry. And Argus, I thought you were better than this,"

It was Hermione and as soon as she finished her sentence, a lamp turned on. She was wearing a pink bathrobe and looked extremely angry.

"Hermione... I'm--"

"Save it Argus," Hermione snapped. "And you Ron, I almost told your brother. He's a prefect. He'd put a stop to this.

However, Harry and Ron were not having it and pushed open the portrait of the Fat Lady. They went through the hole and Argus followed them.

Hermione, however, did not give up. She followed the three of them and started nagging.

"You three only care about yourselves. I don't want those slimy Slytherins to win the house cup and you'll lose all the points I got from Professor McGonagall for knowing about the Switching Spell and even worse you might put Gryffindor dead last!"

"Hermione... Please, we're not going to get caught. We're going to be very careful," Argus said pleadingly.

"Argus I really did want to spend these 7 years with you. But since you want to break the rules so badly, just remember that I warned you when you're on the train home tomorrow,"

When Hermione turned back to go in, she noticed that the Fay Lady disappeared and now the 4 of them were stuck outside of Gryffindor tower.

"Now what am I going to do?" She asked in a panicked voice.

"Well, nothing we could do. Guys we're going to be late," Ron said.

Hermione caught up with them in an instant.

"I'm coming with you," Hermione said.

"You definitely are not," Ron said.

"Let her. I'm going to worry if she stays out here alone. Also, if she gets caught guess who's getting in trouble. Not only her, but the entirety of Gryffindor. So might as well let her have a chance of not getting caught," Argus said.

Hermione hearing this looked down blushing while Ron reluctantly nodded.

"Wait guys, I heard something," Harry said.

It was a snuffling sound.

"Is it that ugly cat Mrs. Norris?" Ron asked trying to figure out what's there.

When they got a good look at what was making the sound, it was Neville. He was asleep, but woke up from the sounds.

"Thank Merlin you found me! I've been here for hours and I couldn't remember the password,"

"It's Pig Snout and quiet down Neville, you can't go back. The Fat Lady is gone," Argus said.

"How's your arm?" Harry asked.

"Fine since Madam Pomfrey fixed it in a minute.

"Alright Neville, follow us. We don't want you getting caught too," Argus said.

Neville nodded frantically.

Ron looked at his watch and then glared at Hermione and Neville.

"If we get caught, I'm going to try my hardest to learn the Curse of the Bogies spell and cast it on you guys,"

Hermione opened her mouth, but Argus patted her shoulder to signal her to just ignore him.

They went through the corridors and everyone except Argus was on edge. They arrived at the trophy room where there were cups, shields, plates, and statues and both ends of the room had doors which everyone had their eyes on. Harry took out his wand. Like how Argus remembered, Crabbe and Draco were not there.

"Draco tricked us Harry," Argus said. "If he isn't here by now-"

Then the noise in the next room surprised everyone.

"Sniff around. There might be kids in the corner.

It was Filch and Mrs. Norris. Argus led them to the door away from Filch's voice. Neville's robe barely went around the corner when Filch entered the trophy room.

"They're in here somewhere," Filch muttered.

"This way," Harry mouthed as they went to a long gallery full of suits of armor. When Filch came nearer, Neville suddenly tripped and grabbed Ron around the waist which sent them both toppling onto a suit of armor.

"Run!" Argus shouted and the 5 of them sprinted out of the gallery. They were running at random directions and soon, they found themselves in a hidden passageway and came out near their Charms classroom.

"Oh god, I haven't ran like this in forever," Argus said as he was wiping his forehead.

"I -- told -- you!" Hermione said as she was clutching her chest.

"Hermione are you ok?" Argus asked, but Hermione pushed away his hand.

"I'm alright thank you," Hermione said.

"Well, we've got to go back to Gryffindor tower as quickly as possible," Ron said.

"Malfoy tricked you," Hermione said. "You realize that right Harry? He probably tipped off Filch so that we would get caught. And you Argus, how can you be so stupid to fall for it. You're smart enough to know things like that don't you?"

Argus didn't say anything as doing so would anger Hermione even more.

"Alright, this was my mistake I'm sorry," Argus said.

When they started to walk back to the Gryffindor Tower, the 5 of them saw the one thing they did not want to see: Peeves. Peeves gave a squeal of delight

"Wandering around at midnight Firsties? Naughty, naughty, you'll get caughty,"

"Peeves, please," Harry said.

"Oh shut up Harry. I'll handle this," Ron said. "Get out of the way Peeves!"

Ron swiped at Peeves.

"Students out of bed! Students out of bed down the charms corridor!" Peeves screamed which made the 5 of them run as fast as they could once again and when they reached the end of the corridor, they realized the the door was locked.

Argus immediately took out his wand.

"Alohomora!" Argus chanted and the door immediately opened.

The door opened and the 5 of them quickly went inside and shut the door. Soon they heard Filch's voice asking Peeves for where they were.

"Peeves where are they?" Filch asked.

"Not telling you unless you say,"

"Peeves this isn't the time for-"

"Gonna say nothing if you don't say please,"

"Alright- please Peeves," Filch said in shame.

"Nothing! Told you I would say nothing if you said please!" Peeves said as he left laughing while Filch was cursing in rage.

"I think we'll be alright so Neville get off of me!" Harry said. However, Neville would not get off of Harry so the rest of them turned around and saw where they were.

It was the forbidden corridor and Argus realized that the movie made it far less scarier than in real life.

"Oh no, it's Fluffy," Argus thought.

Fluffy, 3 headed Cerberus, seemed alright in the movie, but when Argus saw it, it looked like something from the depths of hell. It had yellowish fangs, 3 pairs of evil looking eyes, and 3 drooling mouths that made it look like it's looking for a snack.

It looked surprised by the 5 of them suddenly showing up, but it quickly got over that and got in position to attack.

Argus quickly turned the doorknob and the 5 of them fled from the scene. Luckily, Filch wasn't there and they swiftly arrived at the portrait of the Fat Lady.

"Pig Snout!" Argus said as he was gasping for air.

The Fat Lady was unable to say anything as she opened the door for them. They all sat on the armchairs not saying anything.

"Why are they keeping that thing there?" Ron asked.

"To protect something," Argus said. "The dog was on top of a trapdoor,"

Hermione then stood up, glaring at them.

"Well you guys, I hope you're pleased with yourselves since we all could have been killed -- or worse expelled. Argus I don't want to see you again!" Hermione said as she stormed off for the stairs.

"Wait Hermione!" Argus said as he chased after her, but she got to the stairs first and Argus was unable to reach her.

"Let her go," Ron said. "She went along with us after all. It's her fault,"

Argus glared at Ron.

"What?!" Ron asked.

"But what do you think the dog was protecting?" Harry asked.

"Don't know. I reckon it's pretty dangerous though," Ron said.

"I'm going to bed too," Argus said with a sigh. It was truly a terrible day for him even though he knew this was the only way to go forward with the plot.