Third Person Pov*
Jax McCall woke up sleeping with his head on the steering wheel of memories of the previous life flash through his head he was on his way to Beacon Hills from staying with their dad in D.C but now he is going to stay with their mom. Looking outside the window of the jeep wrangler he was sleeping in Jax saw the french quarter of New Orleans, all around people were partying and the city was in full celebration from the distance he could see Vincent and Marcel talking before ducking into a house. As he watched them leave his eyes were immediately drawn to a girl standing on a balcony looking down at the city with a depressed expression like her world was ending in any moment. Jax recognized her and a small smile took over his face with his enhance vision he could easily tell who it was because it was the main girl he wanted to meet in any world the legendary Hope Mikaelson.
She had long light red hair looking almost orange with bright blue eyes pink pouty lips that were kissable as hell pink and shinning in the light from the streets. She had an amazing body that could put models to shame with a peach shaped but and tits that could fit effortlessly in my hands. Wearing a tight leather jacket with a light green shirt, with black skinny jeans and boots she enjoys the breezes as it blows her hair into her face. After awhile her mom walks out and rubs a hand on her back make her break out into a beautiful smile that takes Jax's breath away.
Opening the door to his Jeep Jax steps out and stretches his body getting accustomed to his new body standing at 6'1, he has on a orange shirt with black joggers and orange and white chuck taylors. Before he has the chance to even make a single step Marcel appears in front of him with his signature cocky smile, "Hey friend what are you doing in my city?" Jax looks at him for a second before moving to the closest bar.
Noticing the bar he is heading towards Marcel lets out a smirk before following behind him closely, ever since he noticed his aura that was close to the Mikaelsons he decided he was going to keep a close eye on this kid so nothing goes wrong here. While following him he nods towards Hayley who is watching them with Hope and Freya by her side. Entering the bar Jax looks around before taking a seat at the bar, "Can I get a Lemonade?" The bartender looks at him weirdly but still makes it setting it in front of him before walking off. When it is just him Marcel takes the stool next to him before staring at him again like he is trying to solve a puzzle.
"I know I am handsome but could you stop staring I only like women." Jax smirks at his disgusted face and continues to sip his lemonade.
"I've never seen your face around here before. are you just passing through or...." Marcel's voice trails off trying to get information that I will willing give up i never understood why they kept it a secret in those novels it made no sense.
"I'm here for a day I want to make the girl of my dreams fall in love with me before I leave for awhile. Why Marcel Gerard afraid someone is here to cause problems for you?" Jax jokes chuckling at his stunned face.
Marcel immediately goes on alert while glaring at Jax which just makes him laugh harder tapping the bar he gets another lemonade poured, "Look i'm actually here to solve a problem if you want you can follow me around I don't really care but I won't let anyone stop me from going after what I want not even the vampire that can kill an Original." My words more than stun him but I still ignore it while thinking how I'm going to get hope to fall in love with me before tomorrow is over of course that might be impossible but i am going to make sure to leave and impression so she will call me when she finally needs my help. Then it it hits me I can use Marcel to get to know her.
Jax turns and looks at Marcel deeply before finally making up his mind, "Hey I can solve your biggest problem for you if you help me with something? what do you say?"
Marcel thinks this over its true a group of rouge vampires are starting to show interest in settling here and they have a witch backing them so it is making it harder for him to track them down especially with the illusions. Before he can agree though he needs to find out what this kid wants so he doesn't fall into someones trap. "What do you need?" Marcel ask cautiously.
"Nothing much I just need you to introduce me to Hope Mikaelson." Jax says with a slight smile.
Nodding his head Marcel agrees it's just a meeting what's the worst that could happen.....
Twenty minutes later Jax and Marcel stand outside the villa of the Mikaelsons waiting for someone to answer, the one who opens the door for them turns out to be Hayley and she has a slight smile seeing Marcel but looks at me curiously. "Hey Hayley this is my new friend ummm...."
"Jax McCall... Nice to meet you Hayley Marshall." Jax introduces himself while not holding back that he actually knows her since he wants to have a laid back life he would rather have people not be suspicious of him if they want info he will tell as long as he gets something out of it. "I was wondering if Hope is home?" Jax gives his most charming smiles that would cause even the dead to have a heartbeat again.
"D-Does she know you are looking for her?" Hayley blushes quickly averting her eyes since her heart was now beating fiercely in her chest this kids smile is dangerous and she couldn't help but to want to stare into her mesmerizing eyes and smile.
"No but I'm hoping to meet her if it isn't to much trouble." Jax says smirking at her reaction to his supermodel good looks, before she can reply though Hope appears at the door behind her and her beauty steals Jax breath away making him look like a gasping fish especially when she gives him a small smile and tries to get him to talk.
"Hi. Are you looking for me?" Hope says her smile growing wider when she notices his reaction it's not something you would usually see from a guy that has his looks but here it is and she can't help but let out a little giggle when he is still standing there speechless. Noticing what is happening Hayley walks away and Marcel leaves when Josh shows up saying something is happening and he needs his help. Now Jax and Hope are standing at the door one standing with their mouth agape while the latter is trying her hardest not to burst into a fit of laughter.
Noticing her expression Jax regains his cool and gives a charming smile before opening his mouth and letting out actual words, "Sorry about that, I know this might sound weird but I am passing through New Orleans on my way to stay with my mother I was hoping you could help me by being a tour guide and show me around tomorrow?" Jax saw the hesitation on her face making him lose a little confidence because it seems she is not effected by his looks at all but it kind of makes him feel good about her since she isn't a shallow person who cares about looks.
Hope thinks it over it is a little weird that someone would show up shortly after her family was separated by the curse but she doesn't feel any malice intent from him so she is willing to give him a chance hoping she isn't making a mistake. "Okay I will. Is the anything specific that you want to do or....."
Her voice trails off leaving Jax wide open to answer for anything, "Anything is fine i just want to spend a little time roaming the city and I only know Marcel and now you so I figured I could spend the day with a pretty girl." Without even noticing Jax lets out a smile that causes Hope's heart to skip a beat but it goes unnoticed. Agreeing to meet tomorrow morning they go their separate ways both with a big grin in anticipation for tomorrows events, Jax makes his way back to his jeep where he decides to sleep for the night since he isn't going to be here long he doesn't want to waste money on a hotel for the night.
-----New Chapter Soon!