Hope Thoughts

All will be Hopes POV!

Hope didn't know what to think of her life it was boring and dull plus with her not even being able to see her relatives it was even harder for her, it didn't help that her mother sent her to a school for the supernatural that kept the isolated basically. Now though her life was a complete one-eighty with Jax in it she was happier and in love, at first she thought she would need to go back to that school with the rest of the supernaturals but when Jax offered no..... told her that they were going to s semi normal school she was happy. He had filled her in on everything that had happen to her brother in the past year and she was really surprised because it sounded like something that would be a TV show but who was she to talk her like was one big drama before he came along.

Now that they were in Beacon hills she was going to enjoy new experiences and life he had filled her in on what everyone was and what would happen but she didn't question how he knew these things but just went along with everything he had said hoping to enjoy more things with him. Back in the school she was looking over the shocked faces of the three students that watched her and her husband... yeah it was still early to say it but she already felt that he was just that to her so she didn't fight it. Scott couldn't say anything and had his mouth hanging agape which made her giggle smiling at them with a soft smile, looking over at Jax she had checked out her eyes last night when she was changing and she had to admit when she was in wolf form she looked beautiful. Not to be conceited or anything but it was just a fact and Jax always said so which just made her believe it all the more.

She had to admit that when they first met she was tempted to deny his invitation to go and see the city together but now knowing everything she did she was glad that he came into her life and changed it for the better. If she had missed this opportunity and didn't go with him she didn't know what would happen to her mother let alone know what would happen to her love life if she couldn't experience it like this with him. With a small smile she hugged him in front of everyone and whispered for only them to hear, "I know this isn't really the right time for all of this but I'm glad I have you with me. And I am even more glad that you are the man I love." Going on her tiptoes she gave him a quick kiss since she couldn't do more with an audience, Jax smiled at her which made her heartbeat quicker.

Looking back at the group she heard a sigh from Scott and his downcast look when he took a quick glance at Allison but if what Jax said is true which she didn't doubt than he would always have a messy love life. She gave him a small smile which he returned understanding that she was cheering him on even though it was probably a hopeless cause unless him or someone else stood up and changed their fate, but what she heard from Jax, Kira was definitely the better choice.

She could only root for him and hope that he had a more fulfilling love, life her eyes went to Stiles and she gave him a sly smirk, the guy really needed a girlfriend instead o constantly being in Scott's love life. She now made t her mission for the time they were here to get him with Lydia since he had been in love with her forever, Stiles saw her smile and couldn't help but shiver but also gave one back. Moving back to the conversation she just heard the end of Scott's conversation with Jax.

"So you guys are a real power couple huh?" Scott said nodding his head.

"Yeah and she is your sister-in-law so I wouldn't piss her off if I was you." Jax replied.

Scott looked over to her and shivered when he looked into her eyes she might look sweet but he could feel that if anyone crossed her or Jax then they would more than likely end up dead. Hope giggled looking at his pale appearance, the bell had just rang so she grabbed Jax's hand leading them to their first class she was excited it wouldn't be about the magical world and she could learn actual things in a normal society, well they did have normal courses at Salvatore School but it threw in magical things too so it was kind of annoying.