Jax POV*
After leaving a note for Hope and Malia he went back downstairs to see that Scott had changed his clothes to some workout shorts and a tank top, nodding he thought about what to teach them first and finally decided on fight styles. He had learned three new fighting styles last summer while traveling with Hope and with his natural instincts as a wolf he was able to master them a lot faster so while not a complete expert he could teach them to be stronger and faster, later he would teach Scott some stuff about his wolf.
After five hours of hard training Jax came back with a worn out Scott who he had to drag through the door, Stile also went home with bruises and a sprained ankle. Neither of them would be going to school today consider the fact that he couldn't even get Scott to wake up his wolf abilities slowly working and adjusting to the beating he took but he was on the path to be a good fighter, Stiles still had a long way to go.
After throwing Scott on his bed it was past six a.m so Jax went to make breakfast for his girls and mom who came back some time last night, he was trying to decide what to make when two sets of arms went around his body holding him close. "Girls I can't make you food if you don't let me go." All he got in return was a giggle. Smiling her kissed the tops of both their heads before getting out different ingredients he was going to make homemade biscuits and gravy from scratch.
Taking sausage he started to let it cook while taking flour he added baking soda a pinch of sugar and salt while taking butter he melted from the microwave out and adding it with the water, putting it altogether in another bowl. After mixing everything he started to form the shape of the biscuits before putting it all into the oven, while that baked he moved back to the sausage that was finished and instead of cleaning out the fat left he added butter some flour and added milk stirring it all together. It didn't take long for it to then he cooled down the burner letting it all simmer.
While everything finished he added the sausage to the gravy cutting it to small pieces before drizzling it all over the biscuits that came out of the oven golden brown. The girls smelled the aroma and couldn't help gulping and when it was actually set in front of them they devoured it like the little monsters they were having bulging cheeks. Thankfully they left some for his mom who came down and had her plate, she didn't bother to comment on the new girl sitting at the table instead she just kissed his cheeks and told him to make good decisions before heading off to work.
Since he had Malia with him now they started driving his Jeep instead of the motorcycle, when they reached school he could see Xander pacing in front of the school looking anxious about something. Something must have happen since the kid was always easy going for him to actually be acting like this, Jax walked over with both girls holding his hands, Malia actually was suppose to start the other day but skipped to adjust more but with Jax help she was doing it today.
Xander seeing them walked up and whispered, "Dude what took you so long to get here I have big news for you."
"You know you could have just called if it was so important right?" I ask tilting my head.
Xander smacked his own forehead like he just thought of that idea but he brushed it off real fast since he now seemed excited, "Well let's forget about that blunder for now, their were talks of a Grimm in Portland, Oregon a couple days ago and now it is confirmed. Dude this means if we go there this summer then we can get more info about you and Hope being Grimms."
While Xander was excited Jax already formed a plan to go there now he didn't need school anyway since he would probably go more than once in his life time, looking down he looked at Hope and Malia with unspoken words since both new about his powers. Hope spoke for both of them when she looked at Malia who gave her a nod, "You're on your own big guy I actually want to help them with catching Jackson and stuff and Malia is staying so we can bond more."
Jax nodded in understanding but the only one left out the loop was Xander but they didn't bother explaining to to him, "Okay well you two better be safe I won't mind punishing you if I hear about you doing something stupid while I am away." When they nodded he leaned down kissing them both getting a surprise gasp from everyone around, "I love both of you be good."
"I love you too husband." Hope said hugging him tight.
"Yeah me too." Malia said looking down shyly they haven't been together long but she didn't deny her feelings for him.
Jax smiled at that before handing the keys off to Hope then turning around he still needed to see someone before he took off since he didn't know how long he would be gone taking his phone out he shot out a quick text and got a reply fast.
'I'll be right there' -D
In the woods at a burned down house to people were looking at each other one was Jax and the other Derek who was wearing a slight grin rather than his usual scowl, "What's up man I haven't heard from you in a couple of days."
"Ahh yeah sorry about that I was busy a little but I need your help with something if you don't mind?" Jax said rubbing the back of his head.
"Cool well I'm heading somewhere and I need you to watch over Hope and Malia, Hope may be and alpha but she has no experience really with fighting so I worry for her a little and Malia can't do it all on her own. I know it's a lot but just them let Scott and the others fend for themselves they needed it." Jax said in one breathe since he wanted to hurry on his way.
"Okay I will do it but when the time comes I need one thing from you." Derek said smiling.
"Done." Jax said shaking his hand before disappearing right before Dereks eyes.
Portland, Oregon
Jax POV*
Jax showed up outside the city at the edge of the woods looking around but didn't see anyone he heard from Xander that the guy who was a Grimm here was named Nick Burkhardt, he didn't know how to find him so he did what any loss kid would he went to the police station.
Thirty minutes later when he walked into the police station he came across some cops who were all laughing about something but he was only here to see Nick and maybe learn something so he decided to ask them, "Hello officers do you know a detective named Nick Burkhardt?" Jax asked interrupting a story.
An Asian cop eyed him up and down his badge displayed the name Wu, "Yeah I know him. What do you need him for?"
"Ahh well I'm looking for him because I am need his help with something, I've seen how good he has been doing in his cases lately so I only trust him and his partner."
He didn't say anything but motioned for Jax to follow him leading him up some stairs and into a room full of cops, walking over he stopped next to two people, "Detective Burkhardt meet.... wait I didn't get your name."
Jax looked down at the man who was staring at him curiously and reach out his hand, "Jax... Jax McCall."