
"Lihua! I already told you to be as low-key as possible. We cannot afford to antagonize Zhuo Jingren right now!" Mu Huang said, his face cold and rigid as he eyed his daughter.

"I don't see any problems. I will have it fixed by tomorrow," Mu Lihua answered calmly. "And I will visit President Zhuo to discuss things with him personally."

"Discuss? Can you even talk to him? His secretary has been telling me that he is not available for a meeting!"

"That's because you have been kissing his *ss all this time!" Mu Lihua countered. The thing that she hates most about this father of hers is his lack of principles. Mu Huang is a two faced person who loves to curry favor with everyone just to expand his connections. He is a coward who always avoids confrontation. Okay, if she's being kind she'd say that he would rather use diplomacy and would choose to talk to his rivals and compromise.