Too Generous.

 And they were right.

Lily was only waiting for them to show their cards. Before she acted, and when she started she never stopped. With Zhou Jingren behind her and a calculating brain inside her head, it was easy for Lily to create a plan like this while enjoying the day with her husband, watching sharks and snakes.

Of course, this was far from being over. Lily had plans… way bigger than this. In her eyes, profit is everything. Lily would never turn down a golden opportunity like this.

"How was she?" Lily eyed the lush wine-colored carpet of the bar. This bar was located a couple of floors above their room and it was very convenient for her to come here to enjoy a drink or two with her husband.

"I appreciate that you didn't tell her how are you going to use the video to blackmail me into sharing my shares." Jun Liang's tone had a hint of sarcasm. His eyes were glued on Lily's beautiful face.