“Kind Ways”

Hearing Zhou Jingren's chuckle seemed to make her more mad. She struggled to contain her anger as she stared at the man as rage swirled in her eyes. Slowly she eyed the building opposite to Zhou Jingren's office. Clenching her jaws, Su Mingyu did not hesitate to remove her coat, revealing her tattered suit in the process. 

However, before she could approach Zhou Jingren, the latter had already stood from his seat.

"So you wanted to latch on to me so I could push you to the floor? Did you want to create a perfect shot?" He ridiculed. "The photographer standing on the rooftop of the building opposite to my office is about to get caught for trespassing, Miss Su. You really should stop embarrassing yourself like this."

His words immediately stopped her from moving. "You knew?"

Smirking, Zhou Jingren opened his phone and called Secretary Go, "Take this woman out."

"You knew all along?"