Loose Ends

Meanwhile, the Duke sighed after he finished everything inside the bottle of wine in his hand. He stared at the Duchess who was currently sleeping soundly in their bed. According to the doctor she might have been too scared earlier. She would also be undergoing a series of therapy soon. "Will she be alright?" He asked.

"Hmmm. My daughter is stronger than you think. She will be fine." Mr. Neeson who stood next to him said. "That was a risky plan. You not only hurt my daughter but also your eldest."

"I wanted to see him in action." The Duke answered without batting an eye. "He is not fit to be the next Grand Duke. As you can see Pierre's provocative words immediately got to his head." A sighed followed his words. "I — I know he will hate me. But this is what's needed for the future of the country."