
Leandro and Mikaela's face turned grim. They eyed each other before they followed the knight towards the underground facility of the palace. And just like what the knight said, the prison or rather the room where the Duke was staying was empty.

"Speak. What happened here?"

"There… there was a blackout and the security was breached. We didn't notice anything wrong until… until the generators turned on and when we checked the Duke… he was already gone."

Leandro frowned. If he was right, the generators needed at least thirty seconds to activate. Does that mean Lily only took thirty seconds to get the Duke out? "They are still inside." He stated. "Find them!"

"Your highness… the ministers are calling an emergency meeting. They are already waiting for you in your office." Another knight called out. This made Leandro and Mikaela cursed inwardly. It should be because of the video.

"Tell them to wait."

"Your highness… they said it was urgent."