Keira, Where Are You?

Feng Xinying left the office and rushed to see Keira. When she reached the apartment, she found that the usual number of security guards were standing there and not letting any flat owner enter the premise unless they were scanned. It was irritating and some of them complained. When Feng Xinying reached the apartment, she found Keira sitting on her crying uncontrollably.

She went to her and hugged her. "Hush… Keira… tell me what happened. Where is Xie Shengjun?"

Keira couldn't talk at all. She was breathing heavily and the doctor who was standing with her asked her to control her breaths because she would breathe so heavily that at one point of time she couldn't breathe. Feng Xinying was getting worried.

"Madam, please try to calm her. She had fainted due to lack of oxygen in her brain because of panic," requested the doctor.