Takeover (1)

Feng Xinying looked at the two of them, a frown forming on her face. She greeted Xie Shengjin, and then went to the bedroom, took a shower. When she came back, they were still in deep conversation. She went and sat next to Xie Yuansheng, and heard them talking about the company shares. 

"What is it Yuansheng?" she asked getting interested in the topic of conversation now. 

"My aunt had staked a claim over the company saying that the company belongs to the rightful heir, who is Ru Shishi," he replied looking at her with a sad face. 

"What nonsense!" shouted Feng Xinying. 

The two brothers became quiet. They both felt very guilty of the fact that their family had caused so many problems in Feng Xinying's life. 

"How can she do that when she knows that I am right here?"