Buried the Man Alive

While the four of them were talking, Xie Yuansheng's phone rang. He looked at the number and went out to pick it. 

"What is it?" he asked.

"Boss, we are waiting for you. What do we do with this man?" they asked. 

Xie Yuansheng said, "I will be there tomorrow morning before going to the office," and disconnected the call. He went back inside to be with the four favorite people in his life. It was his birthday and his mood was pretty upbeat. When he went inside, he found the both Keira and Xie Shengjun were talking to Feng Xinying about pregnancy as if they were some kind of experts. He got a pang of jealousy. He listened to them for sometime and then started browsing on phone. He cursed himself for not keeping knowledge about pregnancy.