Seven: Welcome To The Sherman Household

John was nervous , but after all he couldn't help but to be nervous. He was supposed to be waiting for Kate. He sat there glancing at the house. It was a big house, in his rear view mirror he saw a car pull up. Kate got out to greet him.

"Hi I'm so sorry I'm late I had a few things to take care of" Kate said. She and Ruth greeted John as they walked their way towards the front door.

"Alright John welcome to the Sherman household " she said smiling. She took him on a tour of the living room, then they worked their way to the kitchen. John listened on as she talked , Ruth was quiet as she held her mothers hand.

"This is a lovely house Kate ."

"Thank you so much."She replied as they headed upstairs. The house looked like your ordinary families. Nothing really special stood out, it was spacious and very tidy.

"This is Ruth's room , she spends a lot of time here" Kate said as she watched her daughter. She had a look on her face, that same look she got whenever she talked about her daughter.

"So basically we made a list of things we need you to do."John watched on as she sat a piece of paper on the counter.

1. Pick Ruth up from school.

2. Prepare her meal

3. Clean kitchen

4. Clean living room

5. Mow grass if needed

6. Assist Ruth with homework

John read it , he nodded his head.

"Perfect I think I can manage." Kate smiled.

"I should be home around ten at the latest Cameron usually gets here later ."

" Monday through Friday correct?"

" Correct." She replied looking upstairs. She yelled her blessings to Ruth and departed. John walked in the living room taking a seat on the sofa. He glanced at the pictures hanging on the wall. Ruth made her way downstairs, John turned to meet her eyes. They were curiously fixed on him.

"Hello Ruth my name is John."

"Hello "she said .

"It's okay to be shy , we all get shy sometimes."She smiled making her way to the sofa across from him,

"My dad and mom work a lot I spend a lot of time by myself ."

"How old are you Ruth?"

"I'm ten " she said.

"I know what you mean , I spend a lot of time by myself to."

"Mom says you work together ."

"That's correct, I'm a custodian ."

"What's a custodian?"

"I clean up things at her school " he replied.

"That doesn't sound good , I hate cleaning especially my room."

John laughed turning on the television.

It was just after ten , Kate returned .

"I appreciate you John for helping us today ."

"No worries Kate ."

"Would you like some Chinese food I have plenty ."

"Sure " he said as the three of them sat down to eat. Ruth was smiling , in fact she was grinning from ear to ear. Kate noticed she couldn't remember her being so happy.

"So I take it you two had fun today?"

"Yep we watched cartoons all day" Ruth said.

"Is that right ?" Kate said laughing .

" She wouldn't have it any other way" John replied. Kate shook her head smiling.

"I must get heading home it's getting late ."

"Of course I didn't mean to hold you up" Kate said. John waived goodbye to Ruth , heading to his car. Kate watched as he pulled off . She knew there was something unique about John Kelsing, but couldn't quite figure it out.

Extraordinary Gifts Of John Kelsing