The Tigeress Bares Her Fangs(1)

Duan Chengyu went in first, moving to the far end of the backseat, while Duan Yili sat to the other end. Leaving a space so wide that it would sit two or more people between them.

Hu Tsao left the car running, this was to allow the air from the cooling unit of the car to keep his boss and her son from feeling hot during their discussion. 

"Director Duan can be hot headed, but I hope that Chairman Duan doesn't say anything to ingnite her rage."

Hu Tsao had his back to the car in order to give the occupants privacy.

"That thing you are keeping away from me! Did you think that I wouldn't find out what you've been doing behind my back?!"


Duan Yili flung the envelope that contained the contract from Liu Anna to the unoccupied seat, nearly hitting her son in the process.