The Old man, Mr. Sanchez this time were busy contacting his Daughter several times already but none of his calls were accepted.
"Sassy answer the call!" he then lost his patiance and thrown his phone at the wall.
He's actually in Africa this time and it's been 3 days already since he came here. He still have 4 days left scheduled stay but wanted to go back in the Philippines immediately for an ergent matter.
But it seems that he wasn't yet able to do so. Because he had been kept by the immigration as they informed him that he cannot easily leave the country coz he'd been contaminated by the most famous virus in the country. And he aren't able to go back in the Philippines as he might bring the virus in the country.
Well he'd been kept but he still have freedom to hold his phone and other personal things. It's just that he cannot go out of that room.
Poor Mr. Sanchez tsk tsk!
It's too late already when he realized that he needed his phone. So he came near at it and checked it but then it seems that it had been ruined already as he thrown it in the wall lately.
At the end all he did was scream in frustation.
"Ahhhhh!!! D*mn it!" Just great! he didn't bring his secretary at this trip. So no one can help him for the mean time. That made him really impossible to go back as soon as he wanted and with that he won't be able to see Sassy too!
Then he came back to his senses when he thought of something made him bothered.
"No...that won't be happen" he calmed himself then he remembered one thing.
"Absolutely! Yes, yes, They had that fake one by the way"
"Sassy! D*mn it! are you even listening" Voice of Air in a curseful way wake her up in the reality.
The reality which is they're at the sala already sitting at each own seat. And in front of them is a glass table where an envelope was lying in.
It's true they're not in her imagination already. They're sitting normally and such. And yes she's just imagining. Imagining about listening him call her his wife!
What the hell I've imagined?! sh*t sh*t sh*t!
"This is none sense." she then stopped cursing her mind when he spoke again.
She looked at him and decided to ask...
"W-what are we talking about just now?" she asked. Well she doesn't have any idea like what!
A deep sigh responded from him and "You're...something. First you just asked me if who I am, second you left me in front of the company..." then he wanted to say...You haven't also recognized me outside the bar and didn't thank me for saving you at the kidnappers...But then he cannot just say that "And lastly, just now. You're even acting as if you're not listening."
Well he didn't let every words be spoke in a weak manner. He actually spoke those words with his dark and impatient voice and emotionless face instead.
"Oh..." she started with that. Then... remembered what she should be responding already...
"So you're telling me just now that it's all my fault? Ok! I'm sorry Mr. Timenez but to be honest? I didn't really heard what you've said, all of it. Happy?" she said sarcastically, stood up and going to walk away already when someone grabbed her wrist.
Air, grabbed her wrist. And by now, they're both standing already. Well Air is taller than her and it's making her feel small at that moment.
She then remembered one thing...
Tsk! we've been too close like this before. When I am still that cookie girl, that first time you talked with me and broke me. You think I can't remembered it already huh..
Air then deeply breathed and sigh before speaking...
"let's...fix this" then he looked at the table where the envelope was placed. Sassy suddenly got curious and faced the table.
Then asked "Fix?" she's looking at him already with a frown at her Spanish featured forehead.
"Open it" he ordered still with his aura. Sassy hesitated to pick the envelope.
"What's inside that envelope? can you just tell it to me directly ?" then she looked at him with her hardheaded expression that made him frown.
Huh I can't imagine that you can be like that someday Sassy. Did I really marry someone like you? you're making me pissed.
Ohh so He married Sassy already? They're married already? So it happened that Sassy was his Wife then? hmm...
"Well if you don't want to open that with your hands. I'll be just fetching you tomorrow here at 7pm" then he walked out of the mansion with the envelope at his hands already.
Sassy was then left with a frown at her forehead 'till manang suddenly came near her saying "Mr. Villion seems likes you."
She then came back with her senses and "ha? po?"
"I said He likes you, ija" manang repeated without 'seems' with her happy yet teasing face.
"Oh manang that would be a big No way. I'm not his type and he's not my type too, By the way goodnight manang" and she walked upstairs already towards her room.
The next day, It's lunch already but Sassy aren't yet awake. Manang then decided to wake her up at her room.
"Sassy, ija It's late lunch already aren't you yet going to eat?" but there's no one who responded. So "this lady, Sassy! ija! someone's worried he said you're too skinny already!"
Air's at the middle of the meeting when his Dad message came saying...
Mr. Timenez: What time are you going here? ijo?
Air then let out a sigh and typed his reply.
After 1 hour at that meeting he decided to cut the discussions already when he finally noticed the time. It's 6pm already.
"You're going to visit Tito at the mansion? really? I'll come over bro!" Gio started but...
"You're not invited" Air directly said.
"Tsk! what is it again? your wife? Sassy? Again? why don't you just tie her up with your mighty and don't let go of her wherever she's going then so that you won't be bothered to ignore me whenever you're going to be with her anymore?" then only then he had finished his speech, Air's dark face was shown already, again.
"I'm not that someone" he's talking about tying his mighty at the woman.
Do you know what it means? ok well I don't wanna explain it, it's just too bold.
Then later on Gio run out already. He really did wrong this time again haha.
Air remembered the time then he looked at his watch and then it's 6:30pm already.
At her room, Manang had chosen what she was wearing already. Sassy in the other side didn't know why is she being dressed up in her not so long orange with black ribbon at her waist dress! And she's wearing a doll shoes too instead of her expensive highheels?
She finised putting up her make ups which complimented at her simple get up when she finally asked manang...
"Manang what is happening? I'm still sleepy" she demanded.
Yes she haven't slept well last night by the way "Oh it's 7pm already let's go down now, ija he's here by now already hurry" manang were so excited.
Know what? She's her 2nd mother already since her Mom died when she was just 10 years old. For that 4 years ago they were like this too. Manang will always choose the best old dresses for her to be simple looking without any make ups, jewelry and fancy shoes. Manang thought her how to be simple and humble.
But then things changed and she became SASSY that she should be. But this passed week she reflected with her self and decided to be smooth again piece by piece.
She remembered that she's back again not to ruin more her self but to stop her bad practices at U.S 1 year ago from being wasted and careless.
"Hurry Ija, he'd been wating for you outside already" then manang pushed her and there she saw a Lamborghini worth million car!
And a...someone...
Air? why is he here? what is he doing here?
Air moved and Sassy composed herself then to be prepared when suddenly Air walked towards the driver's door and opened it then got inside later on and the car was alive again.
She then walked towards and without thinking twice, she got inside and placed her self at the passenger seat beside him.
"What is it? Mr. Timenez? You-"
She was cyt suddenly by his smooth sexy...lips...LIPS?
On her cheeks?!
He kissed her! H-he kissed her!
My God what's happening??
Then the kiss lasted just for 5 seconds then...
"We'll be doing that most of the time already, Sassy"