Air suddenly heard Sassy's voice, it made him moved then to face his back where her voice came then only to find out that she was walking in the other way already with the men in black.
"Babe let's go to our room" Dana spoke and he remembered his arrangements. That Sassy would be at Dana's place and Dana will be at Sassy's place as his wife all through this vacation.
Yes you've red it right, it was all planned...
Sassy were sent by the men in black at her room already which is supposed to be Dana's room. Well she just accepted it already. As she just found out that she's Dana tsk! And she's not Sassy-Air's wife.
She's sitting at her not so big bed waiting for the men in black to knock on the door with her clothes. Yeah those clothes she ordered from the man she had called an hour ago.
After a minute of doing nothing, she then remembered what was happening...Oh no I'm Dana here, I almost forgot!
So she then opened her door already to run down to the lobby for her clothes when suddenly Gio came in her sight. She doesn't yet moved out from her door, she just wait on Gio to come near with several shopping bags with several colors at his two hands then.
"Hey you've got huge delivered shopping bags here. Luckily I've over heard that those are belongs to you at the receiving area..." then he handed her already those shopping bags.
"You're welcome...(frown) hmm wait what is that thing at your neck?" Gio asked.
Sassy suddenly froze. She then look slightly at her near neck and saw that the shawl were revealing her scars already! She then immediately fixed the shawl and...
"...Are you alright?-" Gio added.
But "ah t-that's nothing, it's just s-something, I need to change clothes already thanks again" and she closed the door already.
She then breathed so nervously behind that door and removed the shawl and touched her scars there. She should have checked it first before opening her door.
Gio were walking out of Sassy's place already still with his deep thinking about what he saw...
"I must have seen it somewhere already before..." when someone's suddenly calling and it was....
"What is it Dana?" even though he doesn't like this woman, he still needs to talk nicely at her.
"You actually came, do you want me to help you about Sassy? Oops correction coz she's Dana this day haha! So what do you think? Negotiate with me?" she's flirtatious as always! tsk!
"Sigh...I'm not like you. Don't call I'm busy" then he lost his thought of talking nicely at her already. This woman seems so desperate, and he doesn't like someone like her.
Sassy suddenly woke up with a knock. She didn't notice that she got knocked down already from being nervous knowing that her scars were exposed lately.
The knock on her door continued so she decided to finally open it, but before that, she had 100% fixed her shawl first to avoid it from being exposed.
"Ms. Dana" the one who's knocking was the men in black. She open the door with wider manner and...
"it's lunch time already, And we're assigned to escort you at the restaurant" the men in black added. She just then nodded already and closed the door to change into another clothes.
After 5 mins she's finished already, she decided to wear the thin black translucent long skirt with slit and a short shorts under it and a fitted black crop top too. And then wore her usual make up again and of course her neck were covered with make ups already.
Her skin really complimented her outfit this time. Her style weren't like a married or old as her age of 23.
She looked like a teen model, well she's actually a model. And this outfits slash get ups were her style. She's always in trendy but she's not judgmental not like that woman-Dana.
After some walk she then reached the restaurant already escorted by the men in black. "thanks for escorting me, would you accompany me to eat here? I'm alone and-" she didn't finish coz Gio suddenly came saying...
"I'll take care of Ms. Dana already"
Then The Men in black walked away then as Gio commanded them to leave already.
"Why did you made them leave? I'm all alone now to eat hmp!" Sassy seems childish this day, she even gave Gio an eye that could be considered being annoyed.
Gio Just laughed at her expression...
"I'm here I can accompany you, so you're not all alone after all" and then he turn at her back already to push her in the near table.
"Oh Gio were here too babe?" Dana at Air's side acted like she was shocked that Gio were at the resort too.
Air answered her with "no" then back to his phone again. They had just ordered their food and they're waiting already. They arrived 5 mins earlier than Sassy's arrival.
Dana got disappointed, she expected him to look at the same spot to see his desperate wife-Sassy whom was with another man. But Air seems focused himself at his phone instead.
No I will make sure that my plan will be successful!
So she dared to act again and this time, she seems succeeded...
"Look babe Gio's with Ms. Dana" and there Air finally gave attention to her, he also looked at the same spot that this Dana-called Sassy now, looking at.
And there he saw Gio having some laugh time at his Wife-Sassy far from there table. His jaw then clenched and his eyes narrowed too looking at the two. And in his mind he conclude...You're flirting again Sassy...
Dana intentionally voiced out her words not too little to make Mr. Madrigal hear what she's saying too. Mr. Madrigal is the old man who welcomed them lately by the way and he's with them at their table to eat lunch together right now.
"Oh my Son is here? Hmm seems like he's hitting with that beautiful lady Ms. Dana if I'm not mistaken?" the old man spoke with his happy face looking at his son with a lady. The lady's familiar with him coz he noticed her also when he welcomed Air and the so called wife.
All he knows was Sassy were Ms. Dana and not Airs wife-Sassy.
So it concludes that Dana were known as the wife-Sassy and Sassy were known as Ms. Dana the one who supposed to be outcasted.
"Yes Uncle, that was her, Ms. Dana and she's my-" she didn't finish what she wanted to say...
"She's my Childhood friend" Air spoke stopping Dana to say trablesome words.
The old man then...
"I see, and you brought her here to taste the Golden Island Resort's Overwhelming service..." Mr. Madrigal concluded.
Dana then didn't speak up already. She succeeded to make Air caught the two, but then she still became disappointed as Air stopped her from describing Sassy in front of the Old man which was Air's Uncle.
"You're lucky I'm the Owner's son, so enjoy your salad Miss" Gio said.
Sassy caught the difference, Gio didn't call her Ms. Dana as he calls her 'Miss' Instead.
"Thanks, so that old man who welcomed My husband and his girlfriend was your Father then" Sassy spoke while picking her fork.
Gio stopped not hearing her asking him about the old man, he stopped actually because of the word 'girlfriend'.
In his mind...You don't know that Dana is your Husbon's ex-girlfriend? You're just letting them behave like they're the one who got married then.
He wanted to tell her what he knows but.
"Yes" and he didn't answer her with other words already.
Air and Dana were walking towards there room already when Dana can't take her anger anymore.
"Villion why did you do that?!" she's at Air's way already blocking his way.
Air then stopped and look at Dana's angry face.
"I've just saved you from doing trouble, Dana" oh he called her with her name now. Well it's safe already by the way as Mr. Madrigal weren't with them already.
"You're smart and I know that" Air then walked again.
And Dana just accepted her defeat. She must follow him or else... She hurriedly hugged his shoulders then and continued their walk together intimately and...
"I see...thanks for saving me babe" then she kissed Air's hands, she's too clingy ugh I feel like vomiting blood!
Afternoon that day. Sassy finally decided to have some walk at the white sand of the beach already.
She's going to remove her wedge already when Not so far, her eyes suddenly caught up one beautiful sea shell! It made her feel so excited that she even run towards it not realizing that she haven't yet removed her wedge.
So the next thing happened was she got out of her balance and was expecting her body to feel pain for being dropped when a strong arm suddenly wrapped at her waist...