His betrayal killed her

It's late dinner already when Sassy finally realized that she's just making things more worst already!

Cold feeling from that cold bathroom, stained water at the bathtub made her almost die and her naked weak body with Air's ruthless marks!


looking at the ambience of that place she can definitely remember that it was the man's place who she ever loved but... just killed her with his betrayal 8 years ago!

And now she almost die again for being depressed after Air claimed her soul last night. like what happened 5 years ago! when she was badly hit by a car from witnessing Air's hot scene with his girlfriend-Dana.

Yes she remembered what happened 5 years ago already. Her memory came back at last!

Those memory then made her fume in mad and all she then utter was.

"What the hell am I doing here!!"

At Dinner the postponed event were finally placed with those important guests whom was Air with his Wife-Sassy and Mr. Madrigal with his only Son-Gio.

Mr. Madrigal had just finished announcing the presence of the most important persons which we all knew already. They're now at their table actually...

"It's really an honor to have you here Air with your lovely wife. It's such an honor and all I can say is that It's not a wrong choice that you're our partner in business industry. You're the best choice of all since your Dad is my best friend at the same time" Mr. Madrigal gave his speech at Air with the two in their table.

"Well it's an honor too to work with you Mr. Madrigal, as well as Gio he's perfect in my company" Air commented.

"Hmm it's great that my Son really cooperated with you inspite of the fact that my son had past with your wife-Sassy. I'm so happy that we didn't become enemies to each other after all..."

Mr. Madrigal then mentioned again that Sassy had something in Gio's life before. That made Air stopped and realized that yes Gio had past with Sassy, and he almost forgot it already like how several years passed so fast.

"But...About Gio, I'm giving him all the responsibility at our businesses already I'm old now. And I hope that you will understand" Mr. Madrigal added.

Air then frowned, why is Mr. Madrigal sounds like this will be a loss at him? The Madrigals are not an enemy at their line, theyre also their partner.

Why feel like that? Maybe Mr. Madrigal Is worried about his Son's capability?

"Well I understand, I trust Gio, Uncle he can manage your businesses perfectly. As how he work at my company."

"Yes I trust my son very well. But I want him to run them with all his time. He need to leave your company. His punishment is over from now on" oh so that's what Mr. Madrigal meant.

Gio then spoke happily at his Dad's good news "Dad, you're so great! Thank you...(look at Air) Bro I hope you'll understand." then he faced his Dad and gave him a manly hug. His punishment is already over at last.

What was that punishment by the way? Hmm I don't yet have any idea.

So Let's just wait for it then.

Air didn't respond. He just found himself doesn't like to say any answer at Gio. His Company is on it's problematic status this time, their rival were targeting his company. And Gio is one of his major solution maker. So Gio must be his major loss at the same time.

"By the way Son I thought Ms. Dana is your Date? Where is she then? She's one of our important guest along with Air and his wife" Mr. Madrigal then noticed that Dana or should I say Sassy wasn't present.

Air came back with his senses when he heard Ms. Dana (Sassy) absence at their table. He faced the two talking and wait for Gio's answer.

"Ahm Dad, unfortunately Ms. Dana is-" but Gio didn't finish already as An Angel with her black dress suddenly came and "Ms. Dana!" Mr. Madrigal spoke happily.

"Sorry for being late, Uncle..." Sassy the Goddess wa already here!

Gio from being shocked finally woke up and pulled the chair for her. Sassy thanked him with her different but familiar eyes. Such an eyes that he saw before already-the eyes that made him fall for her seriously.

For him Sassy were different this night start from She called his Dad "Uncle" her eyes and....bites?

"What... Are those?" Gio then spoke while touching the visible bites at Sassy's shoulders. "are you hurt? where did you get those?" he added with his worried voice.

Mr. Madrigal noticed those bites too "what happened to you ija?" he's worried too.

While Air at the opposite chair, noticed those bites already from when she arrived. And he clearly know that those bites are his.

Dana at his side the fake Sassy, in her mind... She's really a slut those are human bites tsk!

Air must realized that this b*tch is doing some scandals again...so she faced him, and there she finally saw that Air were staring at Sassy differently. And it didn't made her feel that she won, coz that stares are not mad it's like he's worried instead. She then felt insecured instead.

"Oh you won't believe, those are mosquitoes bites and I've got those in that place where I've been last night, It was very painful but I can handle it" she answered and smiled.

"Ahh mosquitoes, you should be careful ok?" Gio responded. Sassy just nodded.

"You must tell me that place I'll sue those mosquitoes who dared mess with my Son's new found lady haha!"

Mr. Madrigal joked teasing Gio.

Sassy and Gio then just ride in and laugh.

At the City this two person Vince and Donita were currently eating at the restaurant where they first met.

"I can't believe it I have a girlfriend now huh haha" Vince teased Donita.

"Haha I'm thankful you accepted my offer, I'm just really desperate already. That Mr. Tavares is somewhat obsessed at me I guess haha" Donita laughed too like she's so comfortable at his company already.

"Well you're right, I know Mr. Tavares, he's a jerk. Luckily you found me to be your fake boyfriend..."

Vince mentioned the 'fake'

Yes there's a fake there. Donita offered him a fake relationship to stop Mr. Tavares as his pay back for accepting his invite-to be his date. Vince agreed immediately for no reasons, all he can say is that she's not harmful for him tho.

And most of all he wanted to know her more, be with her and maybe if he confirmed what he feels? Well maybe she might be the one who will he marry soon.

"Vince let's date tomorrow" Donita suddenly said. He then smiled, in his mind...She's so cute, it seems like I don't need to ask her for some date In future anymore...

"Sure" he answered.

"It'll be my treat, and by the way this is my restaurant. And from now on? All your orders will be free for I know that my offer at you is not that easy, you'll be somewhat going to give me some of your time which you originally only shower to your business. So that's our deal" Donita explained and grabbed Vince's hand and make a shake hands.

Oh It seems that Donita feel comfortable already at Vince. Her attitude and the way she behave had changed already for a small period of time! And it's not a bad news, it's a good news instead hehe.

You know Cate-her best friend actually want her to avoid being anti-social. Cate will definitely feel happy when she knew it already then.

"May I have this dance?" Gio offered his hands. Sassy then stared at his hands and next at his face. She then remembered that Gio before always making fun of her, she then wanted to make fun of him as a payback this time when she remembered that it isn't yet the right time to do so.

So "sure" then they headed the dance floor already.

While Air didn't stop his eyes at her whenever they walked away already.

"Babe Sassy seems found her partner already..." Dana talked at Air freely knowing that Mr. Madrigal left already. Air didn't respond. Dana then noticed that his eyes was fixed at Sassy.

Dana got insecured again but she said smoothly "Babe..Did you saw those bites? They're clearly human bites, she must have done her new scandals again-" but Air moved and stood up saying...

"I'm tired already" then he walked away from the event already. Dana then left alone there with her angry face. Poor Dana haha!

Gio with Sassy at the dance floor, Gio felt conscious already when he confirmed that Sassy's eyes were intently staring at his eyes directly while they're dancing.

It feels like the old days with her came back and now is her turn to make him fail with his things already. In his mind...Impossible, she can't even remember me anymore.

"W-what are you staring at?" he asked still being conscious at her stares.

Sassy then blinked once and my God it made him feel that this woman at his front is such a Goddess an epitome of Beauty.

Gio then felt nervous already, feels like he can't take it already with her In that dance floor when Sassy suddenly responded...

"....Hmm So this is Gio now?"