She just stared at the message...
You're looking for me? Hmm should I tell you where I am? Hmm...
She's staring at the message like she's making it looking pitiful...she stared at it more for 5 mins. Then after? She decided to reply already when a knock suddenly interrupted her decision!
"Argh!!! Open the door B*tch!" but it seems like the person inside doesn't have any plan to open the door...
"Ugh! I should have killed you with my true colors yesterday already! Wake up b*tch coz we met again!
And I won't ever let you win against me now!"
She's busy yelling and cursing the person outside when the door already opened. Then she next saw the woman wearing a robe with her emotionless face!
"Huh! So it's true, you booked another room and you're so looking high at your self feeling deserved to be at this VIP room at uncle's hotel? Huh dream on b*tch!
You're just a weak b*tch poor now!" she yelled at her.
But, the woman just yawn saying "Ms. Dana... Are you...done already? know you're right, I'm just a weak b*tch poor and I don't want you to be near me. Air will get mad at me..." she spoke smoothly...
Dana then felt like she's the winner hearing her accepting what she said.
"True, but I'd like that thought. We should be friends...Sassy I'm telling you don't reject my great idea or else..." then she walked away already with her won smile.
While Sassy-the woman smiled evilly...
The next morning...
"Babe?...B-Babe? What are you doing? Why are you wearing your suit now? And where have you been last night??" Dana showered him with her annoying questions.
"Back in the City now." he spoke with his sharp eyes.
Feels like he's mad this day.
For what? And why?
"Babe why sudden? and...and... A-are you mad?" she then got worried and nervous while getting off at the bed and run beside him to stop him from leaving.
"Babe...I wanna stay here more with you! Let's talk, please let's talk first!" she begged while hugging his waist already.
But Air remained in silence with his emotionless face.
"Please! Is it about what happened to me last night?
Are you still mad at me about that? If that's the case then...Then you should get mad at Sassy, she planned to set me up there! So that, so that you will leave me already! She's a b*tch she's so pathetic and she's still obsessed with you with her second life!" she added.
She then uttered what she wanted him to know about her again, that Sassy were still a b*tch, still pathetic and most of all still obsessed at Air.
So now she's expecting him to agree and get mad at Sassy rather than with her, but...she was shocked, when Air suddenly...slapped her in her face!?
At the City, Vince were going to the flower shop to buy some flowers for his date later already when Sassy's message came and it says there that she needed him to fetch her from the Resort.
He then changed his plans and drove the way going there already, Sassy's lucky he's so early for doing things this day and that scheduled date with Donita were scheduled not in the morning but in the evening. He's planning for a candlelight dinner date you know, even though the lady is the one who invited him a date.
After 1 hour Vince were with Sassy already going back in the City. So fast right? Compared to their travel with Air and that Dana going there? They took 2 hours right? Haha well it's just that Vince were just focused on fetching Sassy and no other one anymore not like Air tsk!
Sassy were so silent sitting at the passenger seat.
Why? Well it's because the conversation with her Second Father were still clear in her mind with what happened just lately...
"Oh ija have a seat, you're going back at the City now? Wait I'll just call Gio--" but Sassy cut him with...
"Second Father!" in that moment Mr. Madrigal then close the door again and faced her and...
"W-what did you say?" his face then changed into a confused one.
"It's me, Uncle..." she smiled hopelessly and bow down her head and...
"And I'm sorry... I'm sorry for all I've done..." she apologized sincerely. But Mr. Madrigal stayed silent.
Then she faced him again and "but... I didn't used your Son. It was just-" but Mr. Madrigal cut her.
"You...No... I thought you're Dana, I can't believe this,you... You deceived us again!?" Mr. Madrigal's word striked her again for the second time in her life, just like before when he found out that she got interested with Air and it made them believe that she just used his son to hook Air up and get married.
"I'm right you can't change anymore, I've considered your bad attitude at first because You're Gio's best friend and he loved you! But you didn't change and you even used him to get Air?"
Mr. Madrigal was right, she was that girl with bad attitude BEFORE. And it's because of her Dad.
"Sassy... Why did you came back again? Came back again at my son's life and deceive him again? Are you happy now? You have the man you wanted already, why start ruining my Son's life again-"
"I'm not deceiving your Son, and I didn't ever deceive him, Uncle I know I'm that girl with bad attitude before the fact that My own father can't even introduce me as his Daughter! But I've changed now, I'm not that bad girl anymore Uncle, but there's one thing I didn't change and that was you're still my second father!" aww...
Sassy's true with her words, she changed now and she's very thankful of that car which hit her that led her to forget her past personality that Mr. Madrigal clearly disliked at her.
Mr. Madrigal then stopped and...
"Your Father..."
He's not asking, he knows already why is she reasoning out that Her Dad is the one who made her be like that before. The fact that He knows what Was her Dad's keeping. The reason why he can't even introduce her as his Daughter-His secret.
"Sassy?" she then came back with her senses when Vince called her.
"Hayy Sassy... I told you, don't bother yourself about what happened lately already. That was before already, you're not that bad anymore... But well you're still tough and that's the important thing among all of what you are in your past, you can stand now with your own to find justice for your mom and for yourself too..." he spoked while driving.
Sassy then faced him and smiled back when he smiled at her after his words.
"You're right..." Vince knew already that her memory were back again. She told him all what she knows and what a dark secret she knows.
She trust him already, all this time he's at her back as always to support her while her memories weren't yet back this passed year. He's one of those person who made things optional too for her.
"And you're right too" she started the new one.
"Hmm with what?" Vince asked still at their recent talk.
"About...That Fake marriage...contract" she spoke slowly. Vince then got what she's telling already. He then decided to park first the car, they're Outside Air's house just on time already by the way.
He faced her..
"Well...About that, everything will be ok. You know what? I did let you go back or should I say I really did made you go back to make you find him again and love him again. But...not to let you get ruined for his unreachable heart" he's telling her what he had planned already at making her go back in the place where she left the man whom she loved but just broke her.
"Because I made you back, be In his way, love him to make you satisfy your heart-To make you realize that you will be sick of it soon. You will be sick of loving an unworthy person and find your self fixing your self again independently and have the right person... And that is what's happening now and I know, soon you'll find the right man also already. Sassy just be tough, don't get weak."
So that was what he really meant all this time. He had just saved me, he let me realized that I'll be sick of loving the man I've ever loved but just broke me already!
"...I'm speechless, you-you saved me then Vince.. Thank you, if it's not because of what you did? Maybe... maybe I'm.."
"Maybe you're dead already? No I won't ever let that happen Sassy. Cookie Girl, be tough this is just the start. But well do you want us to make him know that your marriage if fake all this time already?"
"No! N-not this time yet. I can still wait 'till that Event in the Company. For the mean time I still need to stay at him. Then after 3 days I will let him know, let all of them rather know who I really was already."
And with her determined and tough voice she added...
"And I will make them regret!"